stress+depression= sitting and not wanting to move

I've had so much going on lately that I pretty much left myself go.... and then found out I have diabetes! Great! Trying to find the motivation to take care of myself but its hit after hit :/


  • I was just told I have high cholesterol and I'm on the edge of glucose so I have been telling myself to start walking, but I use every other excuse not to go. I am giving myself 3 weeks to lose the weight by walking and diet. I refuse to go on medication when I know its because I was lazy. Start slowly...1/2 a mile and then increase when you can. I promise, you will feel better sooner than later. The only way I have ever lost weight in the past is by walking. 4 years ago, while going through a divorce, I lost 30 lbs walking off the stress. You can do it. I will try and motivate you if you want. I start walking tonight.
  • You need to go out and find an activity you enjoy. Dance, hiking, yoga, walking, rollerblading, swimming, whatever. Activity is going to help ease depression and stress. The activity doesn't have to be working out or something you do for a calorie burn. It just needs to be something you enjoy. Time to start taking care of yourself.
  • Yeah, if you hate it, you're going to find every excuse not to go. If you are competitive, join one of the challenges on MFP, if you want to see if you can do a 5k, get Zombies, Run 5k or Couch 2 5k (C25K) that will help you amp up. If you have a gym see if you like lifting weights, even if it's just the handheld weights. If you like nature, go outside and just take a walk.
    Getting diagnosed with diabetes is what gave me the push to start eating right, and exercising. You have to make the first move, and that's something you can do!
  • You are beautiful! Get yourself out there in the world and have fun! Like ^usmcmp said, find an activity that you enjoy. Shine! <3
  • I get like that too. Whenever I'm overwhelmed with stress I get depressed and even if I love an exercise I just can't motivate myself to do it! What helps me is listing all the stressors in my life no matter how small or silly and then work through them one by one. Figure out how to change the ones you can and if you can't change it then change your outlook about it. Once my stress goes down I find my motivation comes back naturally. *hugs*
  • Life is full of hits. They do just keep coming. You can sit on the couch and wait for them, or you can get out and live your life, and deal with them when and if they come along. That's not to say that depression is not a real thing. It is. You live your life despite of it. I live that struggle too - I thought was dealing with my 'hits' of back and belly problems until a cancer diagnosis sidelined me for a while. It did throw me for a loop and depression is a struggle. I'm learning to deal and get back out there myself. Sitting on the couch is worse than getting out and living. I feel so much better when I'm moving and getting things accomplished.
  • Unfortunately it can be a self-perpetuating cycle. (I don't feel good so I don't want to move, so I don't and then I feel worse.) Whenever I start getting into those funks, I found REALLY small goals help. Do something "active" (whatever floats your boat) for 5 consecutive minutes today. If it happens great, try something slightly bigger 1min more, 5 minute more or even repeat it for a week. If not get it done tomorrow no excuses. On the diet side of things, same concept - one more veggie or fruit or one less soda or candy or leave 3 more bites of food on the plate.

    As you start doing more, you'll be able and wanting to do more and the couch will be less desirable.

    I found that I do better with these mini goals if I get to record it somehow. place a sticker on the calendar, journal entry, drawing on the mirror. It's usually something pretty silly but it makes me smile a little bit.

    something I heard about but haven't tried. Buy yourself a silly card or gag gift or something small (nail polish, socks, fancy looking pen , whatever) you like, mail it to yourself from somewhere other than home. now you have motivation to go check the mail and then you get to use your new gift and you get fun mail.
  • I have been in the EXACT same boat for months now. I know medication isn't what anyone wants, but are you on any anti-depressants? I just started back on one last Friday after I saw my doctor and I can already tell a difference. I feel like I have a little more energy to actually get up and do something productive. I've exercised twice this week which is unusual for me lately.

    Like others have said, make small goals for yourself. Make yourself proud. It will motivate you to do it again or do more! Good luck sweetie!