mummy of two with 8 stone to lose, looking for friends

Hi so not much about me I can say, I'm currently very overweight at 20 stone and have a goal of 12 stone at the min. I am 26 years old and live in Lincolnshire, I am a member of slimming world, just recently rejoined but sometimes I need a bit more of a kick up the butt as I'm a very emotional eater and having two sons, one just over 2 years and one 4 months as some of you may know it's an extremely stressful situation never mind the everyday stresses of normal life lol. So if you feel like your similar to me and we could provide mutal support please friend me :)


  • I lost over 9 stone kept it off for a few years but its piling on got a few stone to get rid off I too am an emotional eater I hate it then I put weight on so that upsets me and I eat again just going round in circles it's so hard xx
  • I've lost 3 stone then joined mfp it's great as it keeps you in check if your feeling emotional reach for fruit or veg that helps & drink lots of water sometime people mistake the hunger feeling and it fills you up
    Good Luck :)
  • Hi guys it's nice to hear from you, I must admit I am an avid diet coke drinker as on slimming world you can drink that but I'm now trying to stop as I think it makes me bloated and I should be drinking water more.

    Don't you find the problem with being an emotional eater is that when your sad you either eat alot of food which makes you feel happier for a second and then crap again once you realize what you have done. And then when your happy and content you eat more because you are happier lol. I seem to go round in circles as over 5 years ago I lost 5 stone because I was unhappy in my life and single then I met my partner and as we were happy together I slowly started eating more and more and got back to where I started :( xxx