unsupportive family ( friends for support?)

Keep getting knock backs of people and people are telling me that I'm not good enough and that I will never make it I could do with some friends to support me
Will always give support back if anyone needs it please help me much appreciated x


  • I have an overweight husband who doesn't want to change... so I cook 2 different meaks for each of us. I have friends who just think this is another "fad" of mine. No one in real life to chat with about my weight and exercise journey. Hey you are not alone!!
  • now what? I feel your pain.... I have been bullied a lot because of my weight. YOU CAN DO IT!
    I used to weigh 97kgs. I was mocked by my so-called friends and even my teacher..one time that teacher called me fat in front of the whole class. Also,They used to call me "fat, pig,oinky" you name it... I've heard them all....

    I then decided to lose weight. I'm down to 56kgs. Now they think I am an addict, a drug user because I changed.... That was when I realized.......

    You can never please everybody...

    You know better than them... Never let them tell you what you can and cannot do..... Let them talk, let them say bad things about you, at the end of the day, it was they who made noise, criticisms and stupid generalizations. Not you :) believe in yourself
  • Sounds like these people are toxic. Any chance you can find new people to hang out with? Sounds drastic, but the people you mentioned don't sound like friends at all. Not sure what fitness you are into, but maybe a running group or biking group-people with similar goals and interest in your area. Or maybe a reading group?
  • You are not alone in this journey and here on mfp we are all dealing with the same goal but each with his/her own version. Add me if you need support
  • I completely understand, my future husband is 6 foot 3 and barely 200 lbs dripping wet. However he eats like I wish I could, pizza, wings, sugary cereal all day everyday just about. Same as Linda I typically make two meals when it comes to dinner time. One I can feel happy about eating and the other I know my fiancé will eat.
  • Look to people here for support, they are a very supportive bunch and I always giggle at one thing or another on here too

    I learned a couple of years ago to ditch people who were just poison and dragged me down. With family members that are difficult I see them less often, and when I do I imagine a mirrored bubble round me so all their negativity and crap gets bounced right back to them

    I will not allow people to hold me back, walk all over me and bully me anymore. I had it for too many years

    You're too special to allow it, so starting today, just don't let it happen, don't give toxic people that power over you
  • Add.me
  • Same here! You can add me if you'd like.
  • Posts like this make me realise how lucky I am to have family who are supportive. Must be tough on my bro when I have to turn down a night out or having a few beers because of calories, but he just takes it in his stride.

    Feel free to give me an add anyone who needs encouragement or active friends. I log daily and have an open diary, thought irs not always the best to look at
  • Never take No, your not good enough or you can't do it, for an answer, always push the envelope! I'd add you but I'm afraid you say I wasn't good enough. ;-P
    My problem has always been I don't care enough what others think, if they don't like me they can kiss my bass!
    Always believe in yourself, you are you own best support and yet your hardest judge.
  • lindaj913 wrote: »
    I have an overweight husband who doesn't want to change... so I cook 2 different meaks for each of us. I have friends who just think this is another "fad" of mine. No one in real life to chat with about my weight and exercise journey. Hey you are not alone!!

    Thank you beautiful x
  • You can prove them wrong! Also, they sound like jerks, and you should probably just disregard everything they say, anyway :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Someone telling me I can't gives me more incentive to prove them wrong... Set your mind to your goals and don't let anyone step on them. Attitude matters! Plus what other people think of you is their problem. You do what's best for you and let them be. Most people who try to sabotage or who are ugly are miserable with themselves or jealous. You can do this! Good luck!
  • People will put down what they do not understand. You do this for you and no one else and be selfish about it. We have to learn to put ourselves first, we are worth it, you are worth it. This is your journey no one else's, so to hell with anyone who doesn't get it. Keep moving forward it's worth it..