I need help with losing weight

Hello All,
I'm Debbie. I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer in 2012. I'm doing good but need help with losing 15 lbs. this increases my chances of survival. I don't want to drink a special drink but instead need help with figuring out what to eat to lose weight. Any ideas ?
Thank you !


  • I would start by watching your portions and counting calories. I would also recommend adding some light exercise into your diet like an exercise bike or taking a brisk 30 minute walk a few nights a week. Good Luck!
  • Thank you for your reply. I actually walk on my gazelle for 45 minutes per day. I just started today counting calories.
  • Eat foods that you like in portion sizes that fit in your goals.

    Get plenty of fat, fiber, and protein to help with hunger and health.

    Eat plenty of veggies for the micronutrients.

    Fill in the rest with sweets and treats if you want them.

    Food choices and meal planning are so personal depending on your goals, needs, and preferences. There are so many different ways that you can structure it. You can start by logging what you're eating now and make small changes.

    I really like this link if you're just getting started: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • ^ exactly what she said. Start with using MFP to get your allotted calories per day. Try not to be too aggressive; even though it's tempting to aim for losing 2lb/week, with only 15 to lose that will be way too quick and leave you undernourished almost for certain. Once you know the number you'll be working with, come up with some likes and dislikes as well as your habits (ie do you cook a lot, prep food in advance, pick up stuff as you need it, or eat out a lot) and people will be able to give you some more specific guidance. Oh and also if you have gotten any direction from your doctors as far as nutrition and exercise.

    Glad that you are doing so well!!!