Hi everyone,
I'm a mother of two, a three year and a half year old and a ten month old, work 4 long days (up from 5:30 am and get home at 6:30 pm), my husband works off shifts so we don't spend a lot of time together. The time we do have together, we like to be home and spend time with the kids, occasionally getting away for a movie, or dinner.
After my first baby, I gained 50 pounds and lost it in about a year. I counted calories and did kickboxing and felt great. After my second child 10 months ago, I again gained 50 pounds and have lost 20 of it during the following months after birth. I can't seem to get motivated to exercise consistently and pre-make meals! I'm always tired, and I don't think it helps that my 10 month old doesn’t sleep through the night yet. By the time I get home from work, I'm exhausted and there are lots of things to do: give the kids baths, feed them dinner, pick up, get ready for the next day. My house is a mess most of the time and that's very frustrating too! I feel like I have a million reasons not to exercise, but at the same time, I know - even from past experience, that that's needed for significant results. On the weekends, I try and clean up, do laundry, prep meals, and spend time with and tend to the kids.
I guess my questions is: how do families/moms in particular, keep motivated when there are so many variables: opposite schedules, kids not sleeping through the night, exhaustion, chores, long work days, etc. How do you balance everything else, spending the time that you do have with the family, and fitting in a workout schedule that you can consistently apply and doesn't take too much time away from the time that you do have as a family.
I think I just need a nice kick in the behind to get me going!
Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you!