I. Need. Motivation. How do you do it?

Hi everyone,

I'm a mother of two, a three year and a half year old and a ten month old, work 4 long days (up from 5:30 am and get home at 6:30 pm), my husband works off shifts so we don't spend a lot of time together. The time we do have together, we like to be home and spend time with the kids, occasionally getting away for a movie, or dinner.

After my first baby, I gained 50 pounds and lost it in about a year. I counted calories and did kickboxing and felt great. After my second child 10 months ago, I again gained 50 pounds and have lost 20 of it during the following months after birth. I can't seem to get motivated to exercise consistently and pre-make meals! I'm always tired, and I don't think it helps that my 10 month old doesn’t sleep through the night yet. By the time I get home from work, I'm exhausted and there are lots of things to do: give the kids baths, feed them dinner, pick up, get ready for the next day. My house is a mess most of the time and that's very frustrating too! I feel like I have a million reasons not to exercise, but at the same time, I know - even from past experience, that that's needed for significant results. On the weekends, I try and clean up, do laundry, prep meals, and spend time with and tend to the kids.

I guess my questions is: how do families/moms in particular, keep motivated when there are so many variables: opposite schedules, kids not sleeping through the night, exhaustion, chores, long work days, etc. How do you balance everything else, spending the time that you do have with the family, and fitting in a workout schedule that you can consistently apply and doesn't take too much time away from the time that you do have as a family.

I think I just need a nice kick in the behind to get me going!

Any feedback is appreciated. :smile:

Thank you!


  • I think I could have written this a few years ago! My kids are now 8 and 12. I think for me I had to accept the fact that things aren't going to be easy and trying to decide what is most important. If your youngest isn't yet sleeping through the night (yea I know mine didn't either) then you getting proper rest is most important! You won't lose weight or feel like doing much else if you are sleep deprived. I think you just have to tell yourself things are ok and you will get there when it happens. I think alot of women feel like we have to have it all together all the time. I always had the most luck losing baby weight by doing mini workouts during the day... 5 or 10 minutes when I could. Take a break at work and walk the stairs, walk at lunch, do a quick 10 minutes of yoga or plates after you get home before dinner. Stuff like that. Be creative and flexible. Good luck!
  • I sympathize! I'm a stay at home mom - but I homeschool my kids, I'm on the board of directors for our homeschool co-op and my husband and I own our own business.

    The only thing I managed to find time for in the beginning was walking (with my kids) - that was my main source of exercise. Then I incorporated some yoga into my routine - just 20 minutes and I justified it because it was really good for my mental health. Slowly but surely I figured out how to balance everything - it takes time. I now go to the gym at least three days a week (they have childcare). It's harder for you probably because your kiddos are smaller, but you can do it.

    I've lost 78 pounds and have a great balance now. Make yourself a priority and don't feel bad about it. Your health and happiness is very important to your family, too.
  • Thanks ladies! I do need to be patient and rest in the fact that I'm doing what I believe is most important at the moment. Great idea on the mini/short work outs to begin some kind of routine, I'll encorporate these!
  • I can completely relate. I have 3 kids - ages 15, 9 and 8. I work full-time as does my husband (he works a TON of overtime in the nice weather months). It can be nearly impossible to really be able to focus on ourselves and do what we NEED and WANT. Folks would always tell me: "You cant take care of everyone if you don't take care of yourself, first." *Please excuse me while I vomit* That advise might be true, but it doesn't mean squat to me. I finally told someone to STOP. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me this, I will NEVER put myself before my family. It's so hard to find that balance and I'm still struggling with it. I recently signed up for a free 30 day trial of Daily Burn. It's AMAZING! I can do it right in my living room (my kiddos get a kick out of it, too) and they have everything from Cardio, Yoga, Kickboxing, Zumba - they even have 15 minute workouts! I absolutely love it and truly look forward to doing it.

    Good luck to you!!!