Motivational Buddies

Looking for some buddies to help me stay motivated :)

I seem to be slipping which I do not want to do!


  • Join us on Biggest Loser. Sign ups for the next season currently underway. Promise you will be successful because these challenges really make you work on yourself and the camaraderie is fantastic! To find it, follow these links: Community, when it loads, scroll down until you see the Biggest Loser Season 17. When that loads find the sign up for season 18.
  • Feel free to add me as a buddy. I could use the encouragement.
  • I've been there. I have a great support system on Facebook in a group. We even teamed up as accountability buddies, messaging every day, keeping each other focused and motivated. If u need someone like that, I can bug u every day too lol :) honestly though you just have to make the time for yourself and do it. Some days are harder than others but the longer you get into a routine of things, the easier it gets. I've been overweight too long after having my 3rd son so I'm really focused in dropping the pounds. It's hard at times with a hubby and kids to take care of but I get it done because I deserve it! Good luck hun ;)
  • Feel free to add me :)