Motivation Needed

I have been on MFP for a few years but struggle to stay motivated.

Right now I have been tracking my calories since January-ish but I am struggling to stay motivated from day to day. I tend not to track at weekends (mainly because I forget) and all the other tracking I do at work through the week. I have currently started going to the gym a few times a week so hoping this will help.

Anyone any good motivational tips?


  • Do it properly and the results will motivate you imo that means logging/weighing 7 days a week. Forgetful is just an excuse and sign its not important enough for you. Any exercise tends to be a bonus, its the logging you need to master first.
  • It's tough for me to stay on track with the logging too on weekends, but I really focus on trying to do it. It helps to keep me conscious of the kinds of food I'm putting in my mouth. Even if the food is not healthy, it makes me realize how far off base I'm going from my daily calorie requirement and puts it into perspective. I would really try and focus on logging during the week, because it could be the weekends that are setting you back. Also, going to the gym will help too, but I believe the majority of your weight loss will be done in the kitchen with the right kinds of foods/macros.
  • Thanks guys :) I have a good social life and tend to go out every weekend hence why I am not able to log. (where I live there is no signal so it all needs to be done through wifi). I have started eating healthier as well.. Hopefully will see some results soon. Think when I see them it will kick me into action.
  • My best advice would be to set realistic expectation and don't stress over calories, there are more important things to worry about in life. Also focus on your goals and not the task at hand. tracking calories is tedious and feels mundane but if you do it for long enough it'll become second nature and you'll be at a level of fitness where it is no longer necessary. Another thing - eat healthy most of the time because it makes you feel better, not because you'll feel guilty if you don't. For example, dairy makes me *kitten* and sugar gives me headaches but sometimes I just need cheese fries and ice cream. Bottom line - this is your life and you can live it however you wish.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    bethhjanee wrote: »
    Thanks guys :) I have a good social life and tend to go out every weekend hence why I am not able to log. (where I live there is no signal so it all needs to be done through wifi). I have started eating healthier as well.. Hopefully will see some results soon. Think when I see them it will kick me into action.

    write it down in a diary and then log it at a later time or prelog it. Not logging leaves you with an unknown gap of 2 days out of seven. Healthier isnt a guarantee aboit weight loss its deficit you need. If you wnat to lose then you need to be consistent.