Who else has/needs to lose 100+ lbs?

edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I am hoping to lose 100+ lbs and I am just starting my journey. I am hoping to find some friends who are in the same boat. I feel like exercize and nutrition can be different for those of us that have to lose a significant amount. I am just starting my journey so I would love to hear from you/ become friends for motivation.


  • totally doable. weigh everything, log everything. read everything (ignore most). be kind and forgiving towards yourself.
  • Thanks Besaro!
  • 100 lbs is my goal, too!
  • I am 98 lbs down and counting.... The best advice I have is to find out what works for you and stick to it. Start slowly on exercise and work your way up. Don't cut calories drastically. Make small changes to your lifestyle you can live with.

    I have two simple guidelines each morning - exercise 30 minutes, stay under my calorie goal. I know if I can do those two things I will succeed. I had to work my way to be able to exercise 30 minutes, and a I have gone beyond that. Most days I exercise 60+ minutes, but I consider anything more than 30 minutes a bonus. I have no forbidden foods as long as I stay within my calorie goal, I will eat it. Of course that means most days are healthy stuff, but a piece of pizza or cake every now and then also fit in my plan.

    Focus on smaller goals. It can be daunting to think of the total amount or how long it might take. Just focus on today.
  • Me too! I've so totally let myself go over the years. I will be 51 this year and really want to get in shape and lose this weight so I can enjoy playing with the grandchildren. The hardest part (well, actually it's ALL hard), but getting moving and getting some exercise in is really difficult. I have a desk job so I'm sitting all day and when I get home I'm tired and don't feel like doing much. I'm not a morning person so getting up even earlier is out of the question. I'm just going to have to muster up the motivation to make myself do some sort of exercise in the evenings when I get home. I would love some friends in the same boat!
  • I'm in the 85 pound range but should be at the 100. Feel free to add me. I'm re-starting. :)
  • Hi Holly! I'm doing 100 too, and not going to stop until it's done!
  • I'd love to add some friends in the same boat! I'm 34 and want to lose 120lbs. It's daunting, but we can do it!! Please feel free to add me!
  • I have a little under 120 to lose now.. You can add me! I'm hoping to lose it all by September 2016. :)
  • Hello My name is Kathy and I to am looking to loose 100+ and have been doing this website for about 2 weeks and I am down 7lbs since I started. I am also looking for friends so feel free to add me :)
  • Awesome to know we aren't alone! :)
  • Hi holly i feel we should be friends as we have the same name and are on a life change weight loss and we can do this... ive sent u a request stay strong good luck and we are all in the same boat...
  • I have at least 100 pounds to lose. I'm 57 years old and after losing 14 lbs on another plan found out I would never be able to keep that up long term. I have lost 6 lbs using MFP in 28 days and love it. I'm a slow loser but that's okay.
  • I am trying to lose 80 lbs....and we can all use more buddies along the way...add me if you'd like
  • this is great! :)
  • Meeee!
  • I on the road to lose 120 lbs. Feel free to add me as we all need support and dedication.
  • I just started last week and am working on losing 150+ lbs. Feel free to add me.