
Would love any help and encouragement! 49 and need to live the next 50 healthy. I am so discouraged and need some direction. Have not been on the site since 10/2013 now I am 40+lbs heavier and have absolutely no energy, feel crappy and clothes fit horribly. Just sad and decided I need to change my life around. I eat because I am a food addict! I need to establish the boundry relationship with food. I have tried every diet out there! I am an emotional eater happy, sad, depressed, lonely, angry...etc. Please help!


  • Kris - so glad you are here and have decided to change you life! I know it feels so huge and overwhelming but just take one day at a time. Log everything even if you think you messed up. Get a handle on how many calories you eat and move. Even if it is only a walk around the block to start with. Don't give up.

  • The key is baby steps. Don't try to change everything all at once. Start by just logging your food honestly. Get a feel for how much you are truly eating. Then make one small change. Maybe one less soda a day. Once you get that change mastered, start another. You can do this! I won't lie and say it's gonna be easy, but it is gonna be worth it!
  • If you are truly addicted to food, it might help to talk with a therapist to work out your issues. People can be addicted to food just like anything else, it's a real thing. You are technically abusing a substance. It's good that you recognized the problem, you need to change your attitude to how you view food. Once you treat it as fuel and not fun, it becomes much easier to stay healthy and will let you shift all the focus you used to place on food to other things. Learn some new hobbies, volunteer, etc. Use something positive to fill the void. "Hungry for Change" is a great documentary describing the problems with the food we eat today, addiction, and mental issues that have arose from it, highly recommend it.