weight prediction....

Completing my diary for today and it's telling me in 5 weeks I will be 61st 12.9lb....what is going on?? I've checked the settings and everything is set up correctly (current weight and goal weight)

Any ideas on what's gone wrong?


  • There's been a few threads about this recently, looks like there might be a bug.
  • Do you have a huge calorie surplus? Sometimes we enter in the wrong units on a food or mfp does something weird.
  • My intake for today is 1,123. Everything else looks ok? Very frustrating as I like to see that bit. Lol
  • Lol. This made me laugh. I get really weird stuff like that on my app too. I just ignore it and move on. I try to catch the weirdness with a screenshot but they usually go away too quickly. This is one that I managed to get a few months ago:

  • I keep completing my diary to see if it changes but it won't. Lol!! I'm going to have to gain 51 stone! Haha
  • They have something goofy going on with the exercise calories. It is like they deleted it from some of their calculations when they made the changes to allow people ignore the exercise calories. The 61st and the 21474 calories remaining make me think that they are using the value from an uninitialized variable in some of their calculations.