Green tea sickness



  • Did you leave the bag in for a long time? If you make it too strong that can happen. You should only leave the bag in for a few minutes.
  • It makes my son sick, too. He's tried to have some several times and the reaction is always the same.
  • Green tea makes me nauseous if I'm not eating something with it, and it needs to be pretty substantial too.
  • I get this! Never actually been sick, but if I drink it on an empty stomach, it makes me feel very nauseous. I'm absolutely fine if drinking it after a meal, though - maybe try that :)
  • DaniHeat wrote: »
    This is the first time I've ever tried it, I don't plan on having it again I'm new to dieting and I heard it was good and I was just wondering if it was normal like if it's just your body getting used to it
    Well, vomiting will definitely make you lose weight but you're much better off, healthwise, keeping your food down.

    Green tea is not a magic weight loss elixir. If it makes you sick, don't drink it.
  • Thanks for the help, I've been controlling my calories I'll just keep at it! :)
  • I have never gotten nauseous from drinking any tea. But it seems to be the testimony for some people. I'd say green tea is not "healthy" for you then. Enjoy something else, like water.
  • TiaBia9 wrote: »
    You tried it once, are you sure it's the green tea making you puke? Could be something else.

    Yeah, common psychological trait is to automatically assume that the last/newest thing you ate is what caused the adverse reaction (because that makes sense, right?) And if you convince yourself enough that it was the cause, it can actually continue to cause said or similar reactions. (Better known as conditioned taste aversion)

    But yeah, green tea isn't magical. I drink it because I like it, and it's a healthy drink to have daily...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Based on your OP, it sounds as though you have just tried this once. If that is the case, it may well be that it was something other than the tea that made you sick. I would suspect this to be the case, especially if you drink regular black tea with no ill effect. Green tea is not some secret, magic elixir. It is nothing more than un-matured tea leaves... the same as the darker teas before they grew up, you might say. (Or not!) Tea actually has a very high tannic acid content and this can cause a reaction in some people. It was, in fact, the first method used for tanning hides! It may well be that this is what is causing your problem.

    If you do continue to have the same result when you drink green tea, you may well be one of the small percentage of people that is, indeed, allergic to the properties in the tea. In that case, and if you do want to continue to drink tea, go for the option mentioned by jorinya. Try herbal teas. There are countless options on the market. Find one or more you like.
  • Any tea without milk on an empty stomach makes me feel very ill