Really need some advice and thoughts on why I'm not losing weight!!

Hey everyone-
Ok so it's been a little over 400 days since I started this whole MFP thing and I started at 223 and am now at 139. So yes I've lost a lot of weight, and my goal is to get to 137 so that I can maintain between 135-140. I am 5'8 and 31yo and yes, I weigh and log EVERYTHING I eat.
I know 1lb isn't a huge deal..but it's been about a month and I keep staying between 138-140 and can't seem to get to 137.
I work out 5 days a week..3 days doing treadmill(polar heart rate says about 900 burn) and 2 days I do a Bop Harper workout video and then run up and down my stairs and that also is about a 900 cal burn on my heart rate monitor.
As for my goal was 1240-what MFP put me at and then I'd eat about 1800-2000 and then minus the workout my net would be about 900-1100 I guess.
My nutritionist wanted me to maintain at 1500 and workout the same but make sure my net for the day was 1500. Well, if I can't lose wight with a deficit, eating more to maintain seems like I would just gain weight, right!?!
Anyways, yesterday I decided to go to .5lb loss a week and out my cals at 1400..burn a little less cals..around 700, eat back 500 and then keep 200 just in case my heart rate monitor is completely off..and so this morning I gained a 1lb since yesterday.
Any thoughts of what I'm doing wrong...Like I said, I know it's 1lb(now more since I'm 139 and want to be 137) but after a month and still nothing, I'm just so frustrated! Help!!

and before you say it, I'm not going to stop drinking my Starbucks! lol
and also, if you see that I'm over my cals's cause I haven't worked out yet and put in my real workout cals for the day.


  • Sounds like you're eating at maintenance not a deficit.
  • You are spot on at a healthy BMI, and will be so anytime you are between 135 and 140. My advice is to not stress so much about a pound or two, but to make sure you remain active and enjoy your life. If there are parts of your body you aren't content with, try lifting weights to help tone. You are doing a wonderful job of maintenance right now, so I'd focus on that.
    You've done a fantastic job, and don't discount that by stressing over a pound or two. :-)
  • How did you come by this number? Your height and weight seem to be in the low to normal category. Maybe your weight is what your body is trying to stay at with the amount of muscle that you have now? My goal weight was 135 as well and I'm 5'4". I'm 41 and the last time I was that weight was when I was in my late 20's. My trainer convinced me that with my new muscle mass there would be NO way I'd ever get to 135 unless I lost muscle tone. So my new target is 20-25% body fat composition (screw the scale). I'm at about 26% now and I weigh 147. Try getting to a body composition goal instead of a weight goal. Your body isn't the same from 400 days ago when you set that goal. Maybe it isn't realistic anymore. Something to think about. Good luck! :smiley:
  • Is all this worth it for one pound? Truly, seriously?

    We don't even know where your body is going to sit most happily, you are already on the lowish side of normal and have lost a ton. How about writing out all the good things that have come from your weight loss. Health and shape benefits, improvements to your life. Weigh these against the additional pound. Will that get you an improvement in these areas?
  • I was the same way trying to get to exactly 120. However this did not work. It seemed that my body wanted to settle at 123. I was not willing to eat even less because at that point I can't function well, and I'm already working out all I can, like you. So after several months of staying the same I said, all right, 123 it is then. Just stay at 123 and work on building more muscle and having less fat. I lost a bra cup size lol so obvs fat is coming off, too bad it's from there! You might end up doing the same thing.
  • When I started accurately measuring my coffee creamer I found it was 140 calories more per day than I was guestimating.
    When I accurately measured the olive oil I cook with, I found I was consuming about 200 more per day than I had guestimated.
    Accurate measurements of ketchup and mayonnaise revealed another 90 calories per day.
    And I like a good bourbon drink. I was off by 100 calories per drink.

    You did say you log everything, and I believe you. However, if you are at 1500 calories per day, accurately measured, and you are exercising like you say, you should be losing weight.

    I am not trying to be offensive, but 9 times out of 10 the problem is with inaccuracy in measuring your calories.

    Best of luck to you!

  • I don't cook with oils, I don't use mayo or ketchup, I don't drink alcohol..the only thing I drink that I don't make is the I guess it could be off..but not that much off with how much I have left over of calories.
    SOOO..maybe my body wants to stay this way and maintain..but at over a 500 cal deficit a day it is maintaining..then at 1500, I would gain weight, right? and If at 900 after working out I am maintaining..then what do I need to eat a day, 500 to lose!?! lol..I sure hope not!
    Where is all this deficit going to if I have it but my weight wont move?!
    I don't know where I got the numbers from..for my height it says 126-160 so I thought why not 137!

    I'm already at an A cup from a D cup lol so I already lost from there!

    No, the stress isn't worth it..BUT..if I'm doing the work..where is the results?!!? I'm just as stubborn as this weight! :)

    But I am serious...
  • You could try something like the Scooby workshop as an alternate method of accounting for calories eaten and burned.
  • That says 1769 a day to lose weight at 3-5 days moderate exercise..which I'm more like 5-6 strenuous but just on the safe side I went a little lower, but I eat less than that and still nothing
  • 1969 with 5-6 days strenuous. That means you just eat that number a day and don't add in the exercise, right?
  • Is all this worth it for one pound? Truly, seriously?

    We don't even know where your body is going to sit most happily, you are already on the lowish side of normal and have lost a ton. How about writing out all the good things that have come from your weight loss. Health and shape benefits, improvements to your life. Weigh these against the additional pound. Will that get you an improvement in these areas?

  • I’m confused. Are you eating back 100% of your exercise calories? And you say you burn 800-900 calories per day exercising?
  • 1969 with 5-6 days strenuous. That means you just eat that number a day and don't add in the exercise, right?

  • (I just snooped on your profile. Go Cougs!)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    What duration are these workouts?
    "3 days doing treadmill(polar heart rate says about 900 burn) and 2 days I do a Bop Harper workout video and then run up and down my stairs and that also is about a 900 cal burn on my heart rate monitor."

    If these are one hour workouts then I'm very dubious - that would take a very serious athlete to manage that.

    Have you kept the settings up to date in your HRM as you have lost weight?

  • I'm much shorter...only 5'3 (on a good day lol) I don't eat back my exercise calories because everything I have ever seen always overestimates calories burned. Try only eating 1/2 to no exercise calories back and see if that makes a difference. BUT at your height I think you are at a perfect weight.
  • While I don't think you need to lose any weight, I really have to question your exercise burns. How long are your treadmill workouts and what exactly are you doing?
  • If you've been on here over a year and lost almost 100 pounds, surely you must know how this works by now.

    Of course, it's possible that after 400 days, you've gotten a little lax with your logging accuracy or with sticking to the plan. That's normal. Maybe you just need to re-focus on what you're doing.

    Also, it's possible that your body is just happier at a few pounds heavier than what you set as your goal weight. You're at a very healthy weight for your height and age.

  • You've made fantastic progress so I wouldn't be discouraged by a weight plateau. Part of the issue is that your daily baseline energy expenditure becomes lower as you lose weight - unless you offset that with muscle gains. Do you track your %body fat? You may be building more muscle mass from your exercise while continuing to lose fat. Also, at the weight that you are at now I would focus more on becoming more fit rather than just lighter on the scale. Try adding some weight training if you are doing mostly cardio. The added muscle mass will burn more calories even at "idle speed". Plus you will feel stronger, more energetic and in my opinion at least, fit looks better than thin!
  • If I had one pound to lose and it didn't seem to be going away, I think I would fast for a could of days, just to see it go away. But that's just me.