looking for a motivational group...

My name is Amanda I am 34 yrs old. Looking to lose that last stubborn 10 lbs.... I just can't seem to motivate myself alone. Especially because all my family and friends don't really exercise. I need some encouragement... any takers?


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Get off your butt and exercise!!!! I'm headed to the gym soon... get your stuff, I'll wait. Let's go!
  • You can do it none of my family exercise only me so I often train on my own I don't always enjoy the workout but I like the feeling of accomplishment after it & I have to tell myself to keep going as once you stop it's hard to get going again good luck
  • Thank you both!!!! I can do it. Headed to a dr apt then a nice long hike is in order!
  • I'm right there with ya. I am the only in my family that exercises. Well, my furbaby is so excited after I do my routine because I take him walking. I guess he is my exercise buddy. It would be nice to have someone exercise with me at times, but I view it as my time. When I am outside running or walking, I turn my cell ringer off and I may or may not listen to music. After waking up early, figting traffic, working all day, dealing with customers and co-workers, figthing traffic again, it's nice to have alone time to destress and do what I want.