Body frustration after pregnancy. Advice?

My daughter is 8 weeks old. Starting at 2 weeks post partum I started back into running, because I was active my whole pregnancy and my midwife okay'ed it. I only gained 18 pounds during my whole pregnancy. I'm running, doing T25, Pilates, getting at least 10,000 steps a day, eating 2000 calories a day, cutting back on carbs, and breastfeeding. I haven't lost a single pound since the initial weight drop off after I gave birth. I lost all of my pregnancy weight plus 9 pounds, but my body doesn't want to budge past that. I have 13 pounds to my initial goal, and 23 pounds to my ultimate weight goal. Is anyone else in the same boat? Did you increase/decrease your calories? With my first daughter, I could not lose weight until I stopped breastfeeding. After I stopped, I dropped 30 pounds in a month. I'm wondering if this is the same case.

Also, I still have a super fluffy, puffy stomach that I dont remember having with my first. Anyone else having/had this? Does it get better with time?

I know that I need to be grateful that I have a healthy baby girl, and I really am. A lot of women would gladly trade all of my complaints to have a child. Focusing so much on my appearance probably is not healthy, I guess I just want to feel like myself again, and I am working so hard to get there.


  • You're 8 weeks postpartum. Cut yourself some slack.
  • Breastfeeding always made me hold on to extra weight. Are you on any kind of birth control? When I was on the mini-pill and Mirena after having my older 2 daughters, I really held onto weight. It was too much progesterone for my system.

    I also know that with each child, it has been more and more challenging to get my stomach looking "normal."

    Focus on caring for that little-one, maintain a healthy and balance lifestyle, and give it a little time.

    Good luck!
  • Breastfeeding always made me hold on to extra weight. Are you on any kind of birth control? When I was on the mini-pill and Mirena after having my older 2 daughters, I really held onto weight. It was too much progesterone for my system.

    I also know that with each child, it has been more and more challenging to get my stomach looking "normal."

    Focus on caring for that little-one, maintain a healthy and balance lifestyle, and give it a little time.

    Good luck!

    Nope, not birth control yet. It sounds like I just need to be more patient. Thank you
  • It takes time after a pregnancy, especially (so I hear) subsequent pregnancies, for your organs to return to their normal places, your skin to shrink, and some muscle tone to return. Some people say up to two years for skin to snap back as much as it will (and it might never be "perfect" again). Seriously, 8 weeks is nothing! Exercise if you enjoy it, take care of yourself, and give it some time! Also, do you lift weights? That might bring some positive changes even without weight loss. (I would be careful trying to drop too much weight so early while breastfeeding. Certainly, if you achieve a true deficit, it can be done, but it may negatively impact your supply.)
  • If you're breastfeeding, I personally didn't lose a single pound until I stopped nursing (which was a full year later). And I was even working out with a personal trainer 3x/week!! Once I weaned my daughter, the weight started coming off.
  • I'm now 7 months post-partum and the weight is starting to shift. We're designed as mammals to feed our little ones and therefore us ladies retain weight and fat more easily when we still have those pesky baby brewing hormones in our bodies....ESPECIALLY if you are nursing as your body will retain what it can to make sure supply stays up to keep our babies alive. Good 'ole nature is an amazing thing but it can get in the way of weight loss! :wink:

    Be patient and it will come and in the meantime just enjoy getting your fitness and activity levels up as if you were anything like me, I was TIRED in the end! :smile:

    Good luck! x
  • For me it took longer with my 2nd one. I lost it fast with the first and was only 5 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight after 10 weeks. But with the 2nd, life changed a lot so I was more stressed. And even though I tried some of the same things, my body held on to the weight. Are you experiencing any additional stress?
  • Oh man, I want to hug you. My advice is get used to and understand that your body will never be the same. The shape if it is likely different now, so you may decide to adjust your goals as you lose. Also, think back 8 weeks ago to how freaking big your belly was. It does not go away in 8 weeks, despite what Heidi Klum has done. Give it a good 6-8 months for the skin to tighten up. I have never felt more ugly than I did postpartum with my kids, but I can honestly say that after the first 6 months I started to feel like myself again and I love my body way more than I did before having a baby. Your body MADE your baby. It's a complete bad *kitten*. Plus, I just like the shape of it now better. It's curvier (not fatter, curvier as in bone structure). Give it some time and cut yourself some slack. When feeling down, go kiss your baby and remember that it was all worth it.
  • First... congrats on your new bundle of love! Everyone is different. Some lose it all right after and for others it takes longer. With my first, I got down to my goal weight about 9 months postpartum. My second pregnancy was a difficult one and I was more stressed especially after delivery. I ate better and put on less weight for the second, but it still took a long time for that extra weight to come off. I would not rush it though. Keep working toward your goal each day and the weight will come off. Your body shape may not be the same as it was before, but you will be healthy and in good shape.
  • Yes, I have been pretty stressed. My daughter is just coming out of colicky stage, so she has been screaming for hours on end from 2 weeks till about now. Also, my husband and I just started a business and I work 40 hours a week.
  • Oh man, I want to hug you. My advice is get used to and understand that your body will never be the same. The shape if it is likely different now, so you may decide to adjust your goals as you lose. Also, think back 8 weeks ago to how freaking big your belly was. It does not go away in 8 weeks, despite what Heidi Klum has done. Give it a good 6-8 months for the skin to tighten up. I have never felt more ugly than I did postpartum with my kids, but I can honestly say that after the first 6 months I started to feel like myself again and I love my body way more than I did before having a baby. Your body MADE your baby. It's a complete bad *kitten*. Plus, I just like the shape of it now better. It's curvier (not fatter, curvier as in bone structure). Give it some time and cut yourself some slack. When feeling down, go kiss your baby and remember that it was all worth it.

    Thank you so much for the support! I'm glad someone else relates to how I feel :( Knowing that I need to be patient helps, even if I'm not a patient person. :neutral:
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I want to echo what everyone else has said, it just takes time. I am 10 months pp and just hit pre pregnancy weight but I decided to do it right and go hard and I feel toned and in shape in a way I never have before. I like how my body looks more than I ever have in my life! Now post partem acne is something I didn't anticipate and it looks like is never going away! But you're right, it's all worth it :) gl and just keep going!
  • I didn't lose a thing while I was pumping. I went back to work and I couldn't keep up with the demands of my job and pumping so I stopped. I lost 15 pounds the first month I stopped.
  • Holy s***balls. You've lost 27 pounds in 8 weeks. Give yourself some credit. Give your body some credit. It takes your body time to recover from pregnancy. Do not decrease your calories. Your body needs them to keep up with all of the activity that you're doing and to keep up your milk supply.