Is this a plateau

Hi everyone I wounder if you can help me. 6 weeks ago i started my new healthy lifestyle and to date I've lost 7kg but this week it has stopped. My diet is same as well as exercise and i was losing almost 1 kg a week. Now nothing is this a plateau? I still have lots of weight to lose and its getting me down. How can I start losing weight again. Im on 1200 cal a day and exercising on the bike doing HIT for 20 mins or Hill walking for 50 minz or swimming for 30 mins, which ever one i feel like on the day. Thanks


  • no it's not a plateau.

    1 week with no weight loss is very normal.

    To be in a "plateau" you have to go at least 6 weeks without weight loss...not 1...and if you aren't losing that means you are eating at maintenance.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Oh ok! i didn't know that was common.
  • A plateau is 4-6 weeks with no loss in weight OR inches. What you are in is called normal weight loss, which does not happen in a straight line. 2 weeks or more is a stall, which is also very common. If you go another week or two with no loss, just use that as a red flag to double check your weighing, measuring, and logging to make sure you are not letting extra calories creep in or to make sure you are not overestimating your burn. If you are doing everything right, just keep the faith, the losses will start up again.
  • Francinejones7, It can be discouraging when that happens, I too struggle with not loosing for a week. Hang on and keep doing the right thing. Exercise, write down everything you eat. Stay positive. and good luck!
  • Some weeks, our bodies hold on to more water and other stuff than during other weeks. Some weeks, our bodies lose more water than normal. Over a two to three week period, it all sorts itself out. If it continues after than, then a change in diet might be called for.
  • Hi everyone I wounder if you can help me. 6 weeks ago i started my new healthy lifestyle and to date I've lost 7kg but this week it has stopped. My diet is same as well as exercise and i was losing almost 1 kg a week. Now nothing is this a plateau? I still have lots of weight to lose and its getting me down. How can I start losing weight again. Im on 1200 cal a day and exercising on the bike doing HIT for 20 mins or Hill walking for 50 minz or swimming for 30 mins, which ever one i feel like on the day. Thanks
    No, a one week stall is not a plateau.
  • No, as everyone else said, a one week stall is not a plateau, just a normal part of the process. If it continues for more than another week, personally I would tighten up on my logging. At two weeks it still wouldn't be considered a plateau, but it never hurts to double check what you're doing.