Lose 35-40 pounds in 2 months

I am going on vacations in exactly 60 days and would like to lose about 35-40 pounds in this period. I have about an hour a day to spare for gym as well as the motivation to eat healthy during this time. I would appreciate any actual advice/success stories rather than the same old "lose weight the safe and steady way."
Thanks in advance.


  • Well, at a rate of at least 4lbs/week you're not going to get anything other than 'lose weight the safe and steady way'. No one's going to endorse such an unhealthy goal.

    It would be like saying 'I want to go out and get totally hammered then drive home. What sort of alcohol should I drink? And I want actual advice not just the same old 'don't drink and drive'!'
  • Sorry, but your goal is unrealistic. Saying anything else would be against the terms and conditions of the site because it would promote unhealthy practices.
  • Out of interest, how long have you known you were going on vacation for?
  • With the greatest of respect, unless this was a last minute booked vacation, you must have known you were going away? Why wait until two months before you go to panic and then set yourself a completely unrealistic goal? Sounds like pure torture to me. Aim for 1-2lb a week loss and be happy that you're making a start on a new way of living.
  • I am going on vacations in exactly 60 days and would like to lose about 35-40 pounds in this period. I have about an hour a day to spare for gym as well as the motivation to eat healthy during this time. I would appreciate any actual advice/success stories rather than the same old "lose weight the safe and steady way."
    Thanks in advance.
    You may want other advice, but I don't think you will get it here. Good luck on your fitness journey, but I'd suggest do it safe. The amount you are saying you want to lose in 2 months is unrealistic. Peace.
  • You know what? Maybe I will give you some advice on how to achieve your goal, so that you know what you'd have to put yourself through, rather than just taking our word for it that such a goal is unrealistic.

    To lose 40lbs in 60 days you'd need a calorie deficit of 2,333 calories a day. Work out your TDEE and subtract 2,333 calories from that to know how many calories you need to eat a day. If your TDEE is less than 2,333 it means you'll need to eat nothing for 60 days and do extra exercise to bring your net calories down. I did some research into records for how long people have been able to go without food. The only proven record I could find for more than 60 days was Barry Horne who starved himself for 68 days. "By day 66 he was hallucinating, deaf in one ear and blind in one eye; he could no longer remember why he was on hunger strike."

    I don't know about you, but if I'm going on holiday, I don't want to be hallucinating, half-deaf, half-blind and no longer able to remember why I'm at a beach.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Buy time machine. Go back 2-4 months. Start then.

    Sorry that you're bored by the "be safe and not unrealistic" stuff.
  • You know what? Maybe I will give you some advice on how to achieve your goal, so that you know what you'd have to put yourself through, rather than just taking our word for it that such a goal is unrealistic.

    To lose 40lbs in 60 days you'd need a calorie deficit of 2,333 calories a day. Work out your TDEE and subtract 2,333 calories from that to know how many calories you need to eat a day. If your TDEE is less than 2,333 it means you'll need to eat nothing for 60 days and do extra exercise to bring your net calories down. I did some research into records for how long people have been able to go without food. The only proven record I could find for more than 60 days was Barry Horne who starved himself for 68 days. "By day 66 he was hallucinating, deaf in one ear and blind in one eye; he could no longer remember why he was on hunger strike."

    I don't know about you, but if I'm going on holiday, I don't want to be hallucinating, half-deaf, half-blind and no longer able to remember why I'm at a beach.

    Yes valuable advice, shall we take it a step further

    Lets take the average TDEE for a woman at 2000 (I mean it's not but it's an average)

    And assume adequate nutrition (based on WHO recommendations) = 1200 calories per day minimum

    So you need to net 1200 calories and hit a defecit of 2333 which means your TDEE must be bumped to 3,533

    if you're an average woman you could log 1200 calories which would be an 800 defecit so you need to burn off an additional 1533 per day

    In an hour of intense cardio you could probably burn 600 calories (being generous) so that means you'd have to be able to maintain intense cardio for 3 hours straight every single day of the next 60 days in order to achieve your calorie defecit requirement

  • although you could drop 10lbs water weight in a couple of weeks so it may not be quite so drastic .. but that water weight drop ain't do anything for how you look in a swimsuit

  • Think about how much excecise you can realistically commit to 5 days a week and work out what you can realistically cut your calorie intake down to, It is unlikely you will be down to your target weight for your holiday but you are much more likely to continue post holiday and have the figure you want for the next year.

    I lost weight quickly for both my sisters weddings. The first time I lost 20 kg over a few months, the second about 15kg. As soon as each wedding was over the weight went staight back on because I couldn't maintain eating less than 1000 cals a day. At the start of this year my weight was back up to 72kg but this time I went for the slow but steady route, the way I'm going it will take me to the end of the year to reach my goal but this time because my excercise and food intake are realistic it hopefully wont go back on.

    I wish you luck with your weight loss but more than this I wish you luck in finding contentment and happiness in your current figure so that weight loss is purely for health and not because of how you look.
  • Failure Mode : ACTIVATED.

    Unrealistic expectations much?

    35 to 40 is a good 6 month goal. I'd lay good money that less than 1% of folks have the fortitude (ignorance?) to withstand the misery of doing it in 2 months, right? Are you a one-percenter? I doubt it. Odds are 99 to 1 against.
  • I am going on vacations in exactly 60 days and would like to lose about 35-40 pounds in this period. I have about an hour a day to spare for gym as well as the motivation to eat healthy during this time. I would appreciate any actual advice/success stories rather than the same old "lose weight the safe and steady way."
    Thanks in advance.

    So if you know what you're going to hear, why are you fishing for a green light to behave recklessly? No one's going to tell you to pursue such an unhealthy goal here. Depending on your current weight, in two months you could shoot for 16 lbs (2 lbs a week) by then. Then after vacation, keep going. You can eventually lose 35-40 pounds if you try at it, but it's going to take longer than two months.

  • Wait.........
    Going to get popcorn so I can enjoy what will fast become another thread of amusement and gifs.
  • I guess my only recomendation is to pick which leg you want amputated. Amputation is the only guaranteed way to lose 35 to 40 lbs in 8 weeks. 8 to 12 would be safe, 16 maximum in that time frame but I doubt that is possible.
  • You know what? Maybe I will give you some advice on how to achieve your goal, so that you know what you'd have to put yourself through, rather than just taking our word for it that such a goal is unrealistic.

    To lose 40lbs in 60 days you'd need a calorie deficit of 2,333 calories a day. Work out your TDEE and subtract 2,333 calories from that to know how many calories you need to eat a day. If your TDEE is less than 2,333 it means you'll need to eat nothing for 60 days and do extra exercise to bring your net calories down. I did some research into records for how long people have been able to go without food. The only proven record I could find for more than 60 days was Barry Horne who starved himself for 68 days. "By day 66 he was hallucinating, deaf in one ear and blind in one eye; he could no longer remember why he was on hunger strike."

    I don't know about you, but if I'm going on holiday, I don't want to be hallucinating, half-deaf, half-blind and no longer able to remember why I'm at a beach.

    I love this!
  • rather than the same old "lose weight the safe and steady way."
    Thanks in advance.

    Wow, go for it. What you do to your own body is your choice, but I tend to think of others who are looking for advice on this forum and will be encouraged by anyone supporing your weight loss aims. Your knowledge avout how weight loss works seems pretty poor, but good luck with it. I just hope nobody is gullible and unrealistic enough to try and follow you.
  • It's funny. With all the info people can get nowadays, they still believe in miracles when it comes to weightloss. Girl, i've been struggling to get 17 lbs off with 4 workouts a week (weightlifting and cardio) and eating a deficit.
    Get real.
  • I don't know about you, but if I'm going on holiday, I don't want to be hallucinating, half-deaf, half-blind and no longer able to remember why I'm at a beach.

    Indeed, that's what Mardi Gras is for.
  • Remember if you are going to the gym mix it up, also remember muscle weighs more than fat so when you may start losing weight it may not show on scale. You will feel better for your vacation and that's what's matters.
  • Remember if you are going to the gym mix it up, also remember muscle weighs more than fat so when you may start losing weight it may not show on scale. You will feel better for your vacation and that's what's matters.

    NOPE - you do not, in general barring a number of outliers, gain muscle in a defecit. You do not, no exceptions, gain sufficient muscle in a defecit to outweigh fat loss .. doesn't happen