I think I'm happy with my weight..

So since I was about 12, I became obsessed with wanting a good body. Started with wanting to be more like Kate Moss/Alexa Chung, I got into unhealthy habits of restricting/making myself sick but never got too serious and I was never seriously ill. However since then I've always been over aware of how I look and my weight, never been hugely overweight but also never been 'skinny' always had a bit of a tummy. On and off dieted/tried to be healthy/exercised more but never lost huge amounts. Did start running regularly last year and lost over a stone from that (going from no exercise to regularly running worked well as well as a better diet) and have kept off about half of that. 2 months ago I joined a gym and had a free PT session which I carried on with (paying) Enjoyed it to begin with - which was when I had no job and loads of time to go to the gym AND do fun/nice things. Now I have a full time job and a long list of things to see and do in a new country.

Today I had my first weigh in/measurements etc. since the initial one when I started, I've gained some muscle, lost some fat % which is good, right? But what struck me is how indifferent I felt when he told me. And then the new programme/routine he showed me was a lot of free weights and even with him showing me what to do and pushing me on, I felt so bored and 'I don't caaaare'.. And thinking about it, I think that's true. I don't think I care and I think I am finally content with my body, even if I know it's not the best looking thing out there and yes if I carried on I could probably get a nicer looking body but I honestly think I have other things I'd rather spend money/time on than going to the gym. And it DOES take up time if you're wanting to go 4/5 times a week to lift weights and do cardio and get results. And money! PT sessions are expensive! Now I have the problem of telling the PT this. How do I do it without sounding like an idiot?

Because my gym membership isn't expensive and I do still want to carry on going for cardio machines (when the weather's bad and I can't run - injuries etc.). I'd maybe even still use the weight machines, just NOT doing free weights or having a hardcore routine. I want to go so my fitness is good, so I can run outside when the weather isn't bad, so I can hike up hills without getting out of breath, I don't want to go to get abs or amazing arms or a bigger bum or a skinny waist. I want to spend my time doing things outside and enjoying life and not spending any more years trying to lose weight or tone up.

I'm not saying I'm suddenly going to become a couch potato and start eating pizza and chips and full fat coke and ice cream non stop, but I want to stop having weight loss/'getting toned' as I thing I want to do in my life. I feel like I've finally accepted my body and the fact that it's not a size 6, I don't have huge boobs, I don't have abs, but it's healthy and I'm happy and I don't need all those things. Does this make sense, has anyone else has this epiphany? It feels pretty good but I hope I'm not just going crazy. And I'm still needing advice on how to tell the personal trainer, and also how to continue going to the gym (as a casual user) without it being awkward every time I see him???

Sorry about the long rambling post. Wasn't sure where else to post this and feel like I need to talk about it!


  • It makes sense :) You're happy, that's the most important part! Nothing crazy about that.
    About the PT: I think you could blame your financial situation when you bring it up with him, whether it's true or not. You could say you've calculated your monthly income and expenses again and you just don't think you can keep it up. People tend to be rather sensitive about money. If you'd say you think it takes too much time, he'd just try to "help" you find/make time.
    Maybe tell him you appreciated his help and maybe contact him again when the situation's "better". That way he'll appreciate you even coming to the gym at all, and wont take it personally :)
  • Actually, it sounds like you have a very healthy attitude about your weight and your body. And Hanna sushi gave you good advice about the PT...