Requiring some advice!

Just after some advice!
I've recently started a full time job and struggling to fit in a solid workout routine! I've gained about 2-3kgs since starting working due to upping my calories.
I'm 152cm tall and am currently sitting on the 48-50kg range.
My ultimate goal is to be toned! However finding it extremely difficult because I'm so short and fat tends to show up quicker!


  • Even if you're really struggling to fit in a workout routine you can still lose weight just by eating a calorie deficit. And you could always fit in some body weight exercises while at home, just 10 or 15 minutes a day is better than nothing!
  • tameka333 wrote: »
    I've gained about 2-3kgs since starting working due to upping my calories.

    Then reduce your calories and the weight will come off.

    What was your exercise routine before you got the job?

  • Is walking at lunch an option? That's what I do, and it's really helping.

    Good luck! :)
  • That and using YouTube for your exercise guide. It's really hard for me to fit in exercise- but YouTube has a ton of good workouts you can do at home and I picked up running, which I try to fit in three days a week between getting off work and picking up my daughter at daycare.
  • Totally understand you point height wise as I am only 5'2"

    When my work was crazy I found going for a walk during my lunch helped, also got me away from the office and let my mind reboot so good on two fronts.

    another thing I did in winter was park a couple of miles away from work in a morning catch the bus down the road to the office then at the end of the day run back to my car - it was great running past the standstill rush hour traffic and only added about 10mins to my journey time.

    could you bike to work and therefore combine workout with commute?