Workout videos/dvds and your progress/results

Not really looking for suggestions for where to find workout videos. I'm interested in knowing of specific workout Dvds or online videos you have used for a while and ended up seeing results or progress. I've seen threads on here before about "Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred", along with before/afters pics and/or progress such as how many inches they lost. That led me to buy the Dvd.

Have any of you had results you are proud of from other workout dvds or online videos? If there are other threads posted with results for other videos, please let me know so I can look those up as well! I'm mainly looking for strength or toning videos for myself since 30DS is interval and I would like to add other types of videos to my routine besides cardio, but please write about any kind of workout video so others reading can possibly stumble upon one that'll meet their needs.

Of course you don't have to post up a before and after pic, any kind of progress notes would be helpful. Thank you and can't wait to hear about your results!


  • Hi,
    I would recommend you to follow in facebook BodyrockTV page. Endless choices of workouts, videos & different fun stuff to read as well.
    I use a lot also Nike training app. There u have options between different goals like get lean, get strong, etc.. Very user friendly.
    My success I not based only on this; eating right + lifting weights is part of it too but I find it very beneficial! I lost 48lbs & reached my ideal weight.
    Hope it helps!
  • Before I got prego I was doing Shapes 20 minute makeover. I lost 40 pounds in about 6 months and got super toned. The thing is my biggest trouble spot in my own mind was my muffin top. This is the only workout for me that got rid of that! Recently (about a week ago) I started working out with this DVD again, and holy cow I forgot about that burn. Anywho If you go on my profile there is a link to my halfway point success story. Pictures are there of me before and after that DVD.

    On the topic of 30DS I had a hard time continuing that. I found that I was dreading the workouts and I couldnt get the proper form with some of the exercises. I dont think I made it past week 3.
  • I am doing the shred now and it's hard. I have made it day 7 so far. I have lost two pounds. I hate to see week 2 and 3. I have now lost 50 pounds total. This is the first time I have done anything other than using an exercise bike. Most of my loss has come from watching what I eat.
  • Hi there. I started out with chris powells the workout levels 1 to 3. I threw in a jillian Michael blast fat boost metabolism alternating between. Then I started doing slim in 6 with Debbie seibers its a 6 week program. I started doing the chris powell and slim in 6 together and started seeing alot of differences! Tho I have done slim in 6 many times for about 12 years and by itself is really enough but I wanted to get fit for p90x which is what I am doing now! Before starting p90x tho I had lost 5 in in my thighs and two sizes in my waist. I was also carb cycling during this walking and doing a c25k.

    I am now in week 4 of p90x. I am seeing more definition and my endurance is improved alot. My sides are continuing to shrink and im less fluffy! I lost almost 5 lbs last week after a two week slump and I have lost around 18 lbs since recomitting myself in march.

    my next program I want to do I think will be body revolution by jillian micheals then the 30 ds then maybe nomore trouble zones then body shred her newest program and killer body.

    my other one I am interested in getting is ddp yoga which looks crazy but I think I can!