More protein!

I'm stuck at 136 of 233 already drinking a protein shake, another 100 seems unrealistic! Any help reaching my daily goal ?


  • Grilled chicken, a nice steak, some pork chops, eggs with cheese, tuna sandwich, salmon filet, talapia. ground turkey (can put this in soup, tacos, taco salad), greek yogurt. Yum!
  • Why is your goal 233? Maybe it's too high?
  • How have you calculated your goal?
  • 233?? Holy smokes. My daily goal is 60 and I already have a hard enough time hitting that.
  • Chicken, white fish, aduki beans, tuna steak, eggs all are protein rich foods. Try increasing those in you diet to achieve your goal naturally, obviously portion size matters. Good luck.
  • Why is your protein goal so high? How do you have room to fit any carbs and fat and still eat a calorie deficit with such a high protein goal?
  • Why is your protein goal so high? How do you have room to fit any carbs and fat and still eat a calorie deficit with such a high protein goal?

    Good point. Isn't some of the best calorie to protein ratio like 6 cal per gram?

    That's like 1400 calories right there just on protein.
  • I'm pretty sure you don't need anywhere near 233g of protein a day.
  • MrM27 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure you don't need anywhere near 233g of protein a day.


    Though I can see how it might arise at say 35% of 2660 cals.
  • I'm stuck at 136 of 233 already drinking a protein shake, another 100 seems unrealistic! Any help reaching my daily goal ?

    your daily goal is 233g of protein?

    is that worked out on 0.8-1g protein per lb of LBM
  • Before any input says my calorie goal is 3370 and 168 protein but the protein goes up by the end of day - is that because of exercise ? Thanks!
  • 3370 is your daily goal? Wow!
  • Before any input says my calorie goal is 3370 and 168 protein but the protein goes up by the end of day - is that because of exercise ? Thanks!

    What's your height, current weight, activity level and weight goal at present?
  • 3370 to lose weight?
  • MrM27 wrote: »
    3370 to lose weight?

    something is rotten in the state of Denmark
  • I weigh 240 6'5 very active run several miles bike 10 miles lift have a very active job 15000 steps daily, I'm trying to tone my midsection by 20 pounds these daily goals are set by mfp, I'm new to program not sure if these numbers are right, also so hard to keep my sodium at 2300 with all the protein especially chicken being so salty.