need support.Hope to enlist in military.

Hi everyone,I could really use some 24,weigh 285, and I want to enlist in the military.when I graduated high school I spoke with a recruiter and he told me I needed to lose 15 lbs to join.while I was doing that my at the time girlfriend decided she didn't want me to I didn't and over the next few years put on alot of I want to go back to my original dream of enlisting but am having trouble staying motivated.i would appreciate and welcome any support you guys could give.hope everyone has a great day and thanks in advance.


  • I would suggest finding your local recruiter and find out if they do seeking trainings
  • I tried that.most in my area don't and the one that does is too far to drive to every week.thank you for the suggestion though :)
  • My husband and I did this diet... It seems like a lot of food but the first time we did it we both lost about 20lbs in a month but we also did not add any seasoning or condiments... We followed it word for word... Hopes this helps... What branch are you looking into?

  • ecmartin17 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,I could really use some 24,weigh 285, and I want to enlist in the military.when I graduated high school I spoke with a recruiter and he told me I needed to lose 15 lbs to join.while I was doing that my at the time girlfriend decided she didn't want me to I didn't and over the next few years put on alot of I want to go back to my original dream of enlisting but am having trouble staying motivated.i would appreciate and welcome any support you guys could give.hope everyone has a great day and thanks in advance.

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