No coffee, no sugar - proud of myself

Hey All,
I thought I would post a little note about my personal accomplishment for this week. I have been coffee free for 6 days and sugar free for 3 days. I'm very proud of myself. Funny though, there was a little voice in my head last night that said, "You've done so well! You deserve a treat." So I know I need to build in some rewards for myself... but not like I used to do: chocolate, lattes, etc... They were my go-to. So my reward right now is to be proud, to announce to you all that just for today I am doing great.
Why did I cut out coffee and sugar? I finally acknowledged that I was using them to cope with my poor self care. I had been traveling a ton (three weekends in a row), not sleeping enough and eating out due to the travel. I was using coffee and sugar to perk myself up instead of actual care and gentleness. I was also using them to relieve stress and cope with feeling hurried (so I added caffeine and sugar? I know - it's not logical!).
So - here is to more success! It's not forever. I know there will be moderation in my future. I'm looking forward to a cup of hot cocoa. But for now, for today, this is a good thing and I am proud.



  • Yay! Congrats on your accomplishment. I like your attitude about moderation: if you say to yourself "no more coffee and sugar ever again!" all your brain gets out of it is "coffee and and sugar...mmm..." :D But if you just think "Yeah I'm not going to have coffee right now because I decided so." it's a lot less intimidating.
  • good for you! i can't give up coffee - i won't. besides, the calorie count is so minimal i don't even see this as a ding in my daily caloric count.
  • Thanks for the support guys! I try to find moderation in what I do. You are right that when we think "don't do this..." we are really thinking about doing it doing it doing it.
    Kpodaru - it's not about the calories for me (well, the lattes where! I drink more latte's with sugary syrups and mocha added then actual coffee). It's more about making sure I'm taking such good care of myself that I don't need the caffeine. It was my trainer that suggest to me that the caffeine and sugar spikes were causing me to snack more to regulate and further stimulate myself. I think she may be right. But, everyone is different. For me, cutting it for now is helping me focus on getting enough sleep (which also fuels my workouts) and not trying to wake myself up with sweet beverages or treats.
