Weight Loss Tip: Focus on your Macro Percentages

I'm a personal trainer here in NYC and have used this app a lot! I find this app really helps me stay accountable and helps me stay on track with my nutrition! As I used this app more and more I discovered some of its awesome features! My fav is the Macro pie chart (you can get to it at the bottom of your diary).

The app already pre-sets your percentage breakdown and as you get more educated on nutrition you can start to play with those percentages. In order for your body to function properly your carbs should be between 40-60% of your food intake of course you want keep your carbs down but if you deplete your body of the necessary carbs it will go into starvation mode (not good for the metabolism).

The best results I've seen so far using this apps has been through monitoring my Macro pie chart throughout the day and it helps me with my meal choices too! For example I usually try and keep to have balanced meals but in the mornings I tend to be more carb heavy... Not a prob for a snack I'll just have a protein shake or have more protein for lunch and cut down on the carbs (remember fruits count as carbs!) I've seen some amazing results in my body :) try using this method for a week and see how it works for you!!! :)


  • Starvation mode is a myth.

    I could go way over my calorie goal and still meet my macros. Your method could actually cause many to gain weight.
  • ... but if you deplete your body of the necessary carbs it will go into starvation mode (not good for the metabolism).

    Tell us more about how this works and post links to peer reviewed studies that may educate us more.
  • ASKyle wrote: »
    I could go way over my calorie goal and still meet my macros. Your method could actually cause many to gain weight.

    I'm assuming you mean percentages. Because if you're actually tracking Macros on MFP (assuming the database had all food items correct) the calories would be... the same. That's kinda how tracking macros works.

    But if you're referring to percentages, eh, i guess you could be right.

    Ultimately what's important is that people find a macro balance that WORKS for them and allows them to hit their overall calorie goal while remaining energized, satisfied/satiated, and able to perform daily tasks/workouts.

    1. In order for your body to function properly your carbs should be between 40-60% of your food intake
    2. of course you want keep your carbs down
    3. but if you deplete your body of the necessary carbs it will go into starvation mode (not good for the metabolism).

    Im not sure where you got this information, OP but it is not correct.

    Either way, if that feature helps you plan your meals accordingly and you see benefit from it, good for you! And keep on keepin' on!
  • Weight Loss Tip: Macronutrients have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with weight loss or weight gain, and have everything to do with overall health and body composition in terms of muscle mass.
  • rainbowbow wrote: »
    ASKyle wrote: »
    I could go way over my calorie goal and still meet my macros. Your method could actually cause many to gain weight.

    I'm assuming you mean percentages. Because if you're actually tracking Macros on MFP (assuming the database had all food items correct) the calories would be... the same. That's kinda how tracking macros works.

    But if you're referring to percentages, eh, i guess you could be right.

    Ultimately what's important is that people find a macro balance that WORKS for them and allows them to hit their overall calorie goal while remaining energized, satisfied/satiated, and able to perform daily tasks/workouts.

    Yes, she was referencing the pie chart, using percentages. Unlimited calories as long as your pie chart looks good! Ha.

    I agree that finding what satisfies you is what's best for YOU.
  • I'm a personal trainer here in NYC and have used this app a lot! I find this app really helps me stay accountable and helps me stay on track with my nutrition! As I used this app more and more I discovered some of its awesome features! My fav is the Macro pie chart (you can get to it at the bottom of your diary).

    The app already pre-sets your percentage breakdown and as you get more educated on nutrition you can start to play with those percentages. In order for your body to function properly your carbs should be between 40-60% of your food intake of course you want keep your carbs down but if you deplete your body of the necessary carbs it will go into starvation mode (not good for the metabolism).

    The best results I've seen so far using this apps has been through monitoring my Macro pie chart throughout the day and it helps me with my meal choices too! For example I usually try and keep to have balanced meals but in the mornings I tend to be more carb heavy... Not a prob for a snack I'll just have a protein shake or have more protein for lunch and cut down on the carbs (remember fruits count as carbs!) I've seen some amazing results in my body :) try using this method for a week and see how it works for you!!! :)

    Hmmm, my carb macro is set at 30%. Four months in, 9kg down, no signs yet of this starvation mode monster you speak of.

    This, people, is why you shouldn't assume PTs know what they're talking about when it comes to diet.
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Weight Loss Tip: Macronutrients have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with weight loss or weight gain, and have everything to do with overall health and body composition in terms of muscle mass.

  • This, people, is why you shouldn't assume PTs know what they're talking about when it comes to diet.

    I agree although i dont think they give out such advice intentionally. I think they genuinely think they know what's best given the information they currently have.

    PTs have very very little (utmost basic) knowledge of nutrition in order to become certified.
  • When I had a PT she always seemed a bit confused about food/nutrition/diet too.
  • I think the OPs intentions were good, in that she is suggesting that Macros do make a difference in weight loss. I don't agree with some of her statements (i.e. carbs must be 40 to 60% or starvation mode happens). Also as to the response that Macros "have nothing to do with weight loss" that is also questionable. Generally speaking we do need to pay attention to meal composition (aka Macros) and make sure we are getting a good balance of fat, protein and carbs, or our body will have a negative hormonal response, and yes weight loss will stall.

    Many people seem to think weight loss is a simple math equation. But there is a hormonal consideration as well. Making sure that you are being mindful of macros (in addition to calorie deficit as well) ensures that the body stays in the right balance to release weight. Too few carbs. Too little fat. And too little protein -- all upsets that balance.
  • Nowhere in my post did I mention hey everyone ignore everything else that's important to your health and just focus on your Macro percentages... Simply put some people haven't even looked at that part of the app and simply and solely focus on a calorie deficit which of course is the key to weightloss ... Calories in vs calories out. Do you guys think it's healthy that hey I stayed within my calorie goal but ate 70% carbs of those calories... Obviously not! Losing weight should not be harming your body you should be nurishing it and keeping running efficiently. Trying to open people up to learn and explore things past just the calorie deficit. I've seen too many clients that are not seeing results simply because they are not giving their body enough to go on they have become calorie deficit machines and take it to the extreme. I'm sorry feeding your body 1200 calories and intensely working out 5 days a week can work for a couple weeks but you WILL burn out! Here are some things we can agree on:

    1) Min amount of carbs are required for your body to function properly it is your main source of energy and keeps you going.

    2) Macros are important in that since you are depleting your calories per day to loose weight that you still make sure you are meeting your body's needs

    Low fat diets have be shown to not work long term. Extreme low carb diets, while they will give you results, will not last long term as well. So why not encourage balanced meals and sustainable long term healthy choices. Or simply open people up to new things and a different way of looking at things in conjunction with what they already know.
  • Firefly_71 I couldn't agree with you more my quote about "starvation mode" was said for reader's attention in saying that your body will not respond in a positive way key word we need balance and of course the "general" rule of thumb is the 40-60 percent range as an average but everyone is different and needs to deal with it on a one on one basis and a registered dietitian or nutritionist can recommend going outside these averages when needed for an individual. As personal trainers we are not "experts" on nutrition but as a rule of thumb we should know the general guidelines for healthy eating and when we recognize a client needs more guidance we are required to refer them to a nutritionist. I would never prescribe meal plans to my clients that is not our scope of practice but I would want to give them general guidelines to help them make a full circle change.
  • So I'm not really sure what you are doing here. It sounds like you are a MFP rep or something, telling us what the app does for you? Also you talk like carbs are bad and I am not a fan of that kind of (I was trying to think of a better word, but) bull****.
  • Actually I am advocating eating enough carbs (which people do not!) if you read my post and I also state that low carb diets don't work so not too sure how your comment relates. MFP rep? Or simply sharing advice on what worked for me to keep me motivated to eat balanced meals and really focus on what I put in my body carbs and all! Not really sure what you are doing here with your negativity since when is this a site for bashing people. I am all for conflicting opinions it challenges us to think and be better but when you attack people (without reading: I simply used 70% carbs as an example would you rather me use eating 70% of your calories being fat would that be less *kitten* for you?) point being made is BALANCE ... Balancing your nutrients that your body needs what's so wrong with focusing on balance. One thing to have a conflicting opinion another to call someone's well intended *kitten*.
  • "of course you want keep your carbs down"

    "in the mornings I tend to be more carb heavy... Not a prob for a snack I'll just have a protein shake or have more protein for lunch and cut down on the carbs"

    "(remember fruits count as carbs!)"

    Taken out of context - yes.
    Negativity towards carbs - also yes.
  • I'm a personal trainer here in NYC and have used this app a lot! I find this app really helps me stay accountable and helps me stay on track with my nutrition! As I used this app more and more I discovered some of its awesome features! My fav is the Macro pie chart (you can get to it at the bottom of your diary).

    The app already pre-sets your percentage breakdown and as you get more educated on nutrition you can start to play with those percentages. In order for your body to function properly your carbs should be between 40-60% of your food intake of course you want keep your carbs down but if you deplete your body of the necessary carbs it will go into starvation mode (not good for the metabolism).

    The best results I've seen so far using this apps has been through monitoring my Macro pie chart throughout the day and it helps me with my meal choices too! For example I usually try and keep to have balanced meals but in the mornings I tend to be more carb heavy... Not a prob for a snack I'll just have a protein shake or have more protein for lunch and cut down on the carbs (remember fruits count as carbs!) I've seen some amazing results in my body :) try using this method for a week and see how it works for you!!! :)

  • Nowhere in my post did I mention hey everyone ignore everything else that's important to your health and just focus on your Macro percentages... Simply put some people haven't even looked at that part of the app and simply and solely focus on a calorie deficit which of course is the key to weightloss ... Calories in vs calories out. Do you guys think it's healthy that hey I stayed within my calorie goal but ate 70% carbs of those calories... Obviously not! Losing weight should not be harming your body you should be nurishing it and keeping running efficiently. Trying to open people up to learn and explore things past just the calorie deficit. I've seen too many clients that are not seeing results simply because they are not giving their body enough to go on they have become calorie deficit machines and take it to the extreme. I'm sorry feeding your body 1200 calories and intensely working out 5 days a week can work for a couple weeks but you WILL burn out! Here are some things we can agree on:

    1) Min amount of carbs are required for your body to function properly it is your main source of energy and keeps you going.

    2) Macros are important in that since you are depleting your calories per day to loose weight that you still make sure you are meeting your body's needs

    Low fat diets have be shown to not work long term. Extreme low carb diets, while they will give you results, will not last long term as well. So why not encourage balanced meals and sustainable long term healthy choices. Or simply open people up to new things and a different way of looking at things in conjunction with what they already know.

    You threw a random comment like 70% carbs won't be healthy and while I wouldn't eat that many personally you can't provide actual evidence as to why it's unhealthy.

    You're making a lot of assumptions here.
  • Firefly_71 I couldn't agree with you more my quote about "starvation mode" was said for reader's attention in saying that your body will not respond in a positive way key word we need balance and of course the "general" rule of thumb is the 40-60 percent range as an average but everyone is different and needs to deal with it on a one on one basis and a registered dietitian or nutritionist can recommend going outside these averages when needed for an individual. As personal trainers we are not "experts" on nutrition but as a rule of thumb we should know the general guidelines for healthy eating and when we recognize a client needs more guidance we are required to refer them to a nutritionist. I would never prescribe meal plans to my clients that is not our scope of practice but I would want to give them general guidelines to help them make a full circle change.

    So I'm a personal trainer in NYC and I don't agree with the things you said, does that mean I just don't know what I'm talking about?
  • Nowhere in my post did I mention hey everyone ignore everything else that's important to your health and just focus on your Macro percentages... Simply put some people haven't even looked at that part of the app and simply and solely focus on a calorie deficit which of course is the key to weightloss ... Calories in vs calories out. Do you guys think it's healthy that hey I stayed within my calorie goal but ate 70% carbs of those calories... Obviously not! Losing weight should not be harming your body you should be nurishing it and keeping running efficiently. Trying to open people up to learn and explore things past just the calorie deficit. I've seen too many clients that are not seeing results simply because they are not giving their body enough to go on they have become calorie deficit machines and take it to the extreme. I'm sorry feeding your body 1200 calories and intensely working out 5 days a week can work for a couple weeks but you WILL burn out! Here are some things we can agree on:

    1) Min amount of carbs are required for your body to function properly it is your main source of energy and keeps you going.

    2) Macros are important in that since you are depleting your calories per day to loose weight that you still make sure you are meeting your body's needs

    Low fat diets have be shown to not work long term. Extreme low carb diets, while they will give you results, will not last long term as well. So why not encourage balanced meals and sustainable long term healthy choices. Or simply open people up to new things and a different way of looking at things in conjunction with what they already know.

    Have you ever heard of people doing 80/10/10? It works for them.
  • Nowhere in my post did I mention hey everyone ignore everything else that's important to your health and just focus on your Macro percentages... Simply put some people haven't even looked at that part of the app and simply and solely focus on a calorie deficit which of course is the key to weightloss ... Calories in vs calories out. Do you guys think it's healthy that hey I stayed within my calorie goal but ate 70% carbs of those calories... Obviously not! Losing weight should not be harming your body you should be nurishing it and keeping running efficiently. Trying to open people up to learn and explore things past just the calorie deficit. I've seen too many clients that are not seeing results simply because they are not giving their body enough to go on they have become calorie deficit machines and take it to the extreme. I'm sorry feeding your body 1200 calories and intensely working out 5 days a week can work for a couple weeks but you WILL burn out! Here are some things we can agree on:

    1) Min amount of carbs are required for your body to function properly it is your main source of energy and keeps you going.

    2) Macros are important in that since you are depleting your calories per day to loose weight that you still make sure you are meeting your body's needs

    Low fat diets have be shown to not work long term. Extreme low carb diets, while they will give you results, will not last long term as well. So why not encourage balanced meals and sustainable long term healthy choices. Or simply open people up to new things and a different way of looking at things in conjunction with what they already know.

    Have you ever heard of people doing 80/10/10? It works for them.