60lbs. Down

Over the last four years I have lost 70 lbs and have maintained 60. I'm posting this to remind myself how far I have come and to be a driving force in this next chapter. This year I will be (staying positive) losing 30-50 lbs more, toning up, and gaining strength. I also have a goal to do a 5K this fall and to own a pair of shorts! Being 5,3" I need all the leg I can show ;)


  • You look great...and the loss makes your smile bigger!
  • You look very pretty at your heavier weight, but the new one is so much healthier in the long run. Congratulations!
  • Wow. What a transformation. Look at what you are accomplishing!
  • So inspiring! You are doing fantastic :)
  • Fantastic job, keep it up Girl!!! Beautiful smile.
  • amazing job, well done! Any details you want to share - did you work out and what did you do?
  • You are beautiful before and after. Well done you!!! Congrats!!
  • You look wonderful! Congrats!
  • Amazing job. Congratulations to you!
  • Beautiful! Great job.
  • Wow you look amazing :) Keep it up don't give up ... giving up results in going back in your weight and it never a good thing when you work so hard for the weight to come off and then its gained ... push yourself to keep it up..