2 year healthy streak gone off track - anyone else

Hi all, was on a 2 plus year healthy streak, and can't get back on the wagon since Oct. 2014! First it was a vaca, then the holidays, then a foot surgey, and now I am trying to get back in the grove. Surprisingly, didn't gain more than 4 pounds but need to start getting focused so it doesn't get out of control? Any tips on how to get back on track and refocused?


  • I went off my very healthy eating/exercise habits because my ex husband made fun of me......I regained over 100Lbs over 9 years. Notice I said EX. It took me a few years to restart my healthy eating again. Because of a serious injury 2 years ago I have not had the chance to become an exercise junkie ---- YET :smile:

    As far as how to get started in healthy habits, think Yoda......just do!
  • Thanks Marci! We got this!! Thanks for your note!
  • @frameloss I am in the same boat! Last year was a great year of health and diet and exercise for me. My family moved across the country and it has been very hard since the the winter to get back into the habit. I lost a lot of weight and I just feel stuck right now. So i have been using MFP for a couple years and it really helped me last year to drop my weight over 40lbs. I have not been keeping up with my logging since "coming back". Today is the first day I committed to small a goal of logging everything I eat before I eat it and finishing every night through out the weekend. Just a small four day goal to start off from. Want to join me in the logging challenge for myself?
  • I would agree that careful logging will help. I always gain when I stop logging. Not immediately but within a few months. Logging forces me to be mindful. But 4lbs is nothing! Water weight really. Just be more aware. You clearly haven't gone too off track.
  • I had a 4 year good streak that went bad. It started getting bad (old habits creeping in) in August 2014 and really fell apart during the holidays. Finally I pulled myself out in March 2015 but had gained 9 pounds. The important thing is to get back into it.
  • Have you thot about joining the Biggest Loser on here? It might be just the challenge needed to kick you into high gear. You find them under Community- scroll down until you see the Biggest Loser Season 17 link- look for sign up for season 18.