In 78 days, I've lost 163lbs... But I'm not done yet!



  • You've done a fantastic job and you look amazing!! I'm glad you decided to show us a picture - you should be incredibly proud of yourself. Your dedication inspires me =)
  • Kudos on the courage to post and the loss thus far. Safe journey to you!
  • The biggest thing I can't understand is how you could be 400 lbs and fit into a 2x shirt! My husband is 330 and wearing a 3x.
  • Thanks for the love everyone. Like I said earlier, my physical activity has been low due to injury, so I've just been trying to focus of the calories, and type of calories I'm eating.

    I've had a lot of chia and vegetables, and I've recently discovered the amazing PB2. I no longer crave Nutella and other sweets with the Peanut Butter Chocolate version.

    Because of my injuries, I do ice my feet almost daily for a couple hours. My showers are also cold since I read that it promotes your body's own anti-inflammatory and recovery responses. I set it to lukewarm and step right in while still cold, lather up as it gets warmer, and as soon as it does, I switch it over to cold water and finish my shower that way. - I hear that cold-therapy also helps burn calories, so maybe that's helping me?

    I take a CLA supplement and 2 tablets of Glucosamine daily.

  • Here's the thing, whether this story is true or not, I have learned after many many years of dieting and regaining all the weight back plus some, it is not a good idea to lose weight quickly. You will just put it back on just as quickly. You can't sustain fasting and eating strange foods. You need to eat something you can sustain for the rest of your life. What's the hurry? It depends if you want it to be a permanent change or just temporary. This story sounds way too good to even be possible. Most of us know that because we've been doing this for a very very long time. That's important to know for those out there who may want to do what you've done. I don't believe it can be done. You've obviously lost some weight, but why not tell the real story?
  • that is a huge difference in pictures. congratulations! My major advice would be to consult your doctor so you can see health benefits as well!

    Also IF (intermittent fasting) isn't part of a religious group--
  • that is a huge difference in pictures. congratulations! My major advice would be to consult your doctor so you can see health benefits as well!

    Also IF (intermittent fasting) isn't part of a religious group--
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Richie is a great friend of mine. I have personally seen this weight loss. And I too can't barely believe it. The only reason why I can believe it is because I have seen it. I don't know how it is possible. How he is doing it, but I'm so glad it's happening. Great things can happen when u happen to hit the exact combination your body likes. I wish I can have this kind of loss too but I know it can't happen for me the same way. I have a much different kind of body than him.

    I'll be honest and tell everyone that he reached out to me feeling upset about what was said here. Richie isn't the type of guy to put himself out there like he did here. The fact that he did caught me off guard. And I understand your scepticism. It is hard to believe. But it is true. I've seen it. So please have a little heart and understand this is a guy that doesn't talk about his weight or anything. He opened himself up to u guys here because he is obviously excited by all this. Which he should be. I am too. He started off weighing more than me. And now he weighs less than I did In middle school.
    Good job cracking the code bro.! May we all figure out our individual codes too.
  • Listen, congratulations! This is a major change. I don't see a reason to disbelieve you, but it is a highly unusual rate of weight loss. Have you been very active? Did you happen to have problems with edema before?

    Thanks for sharing your journey, you look great in your pic!
  • All I can say is "Wow". I am knew to this site. Hope to see another update next month from you.
  • I am concerned how the numbers add up...BUT the before and after pic looka awesome and I think you are doing great but maybe you should seek some medical advice for the remainder of your weight loss just to make sure you stay healthy.

    Good Luck
  • With that much weight lost, are you finding it easier to get around?
  • A person that large could easily hold a good 40 to 60 pounds of undigested, nasty, putrefied fecol matter in their intestines. Introducing juicing, veggies, and a vegan diet could easily blow all that crap out in no time. The Ideal Protein diet has helped people safely lose 20 to 30 pounds in their first month and every month. Great job, Richie!!! Keep it up!!! :-)
  • Excellent progress!
  • Nobody intends to minimize your success. It's just that your results are not typical so everyone is curious how you accomplished it. That, and people are concerned for your wellbeing if you're doing something drastic.
  • Good job on the loss. Really truly hope it sticks. Just a little blown away by the numbers of it all.
  • I bet your local news affiliates and Modern science and possibly even Guiness World Records would be interested in learning about your achievement of having a near 10,000 cal burn daily for over 2 months while being sedentary.
    Chia seeds could make make you their spokesperson.
    I certainly wouldnt hesitate to Monetize/capitalize on your marvel if I were you.
  • Congrats! Cleaning the colon with whole real food alone someone can lose a ton of weight quickly. Once you stop feeding your body inflammation causing foods, you drop weight. Every body is different. Losing weight fast for you is probably a good plan considering your original size and the health risks. Sounds like you are getting in touch with what works for you! Good on you!
  • Congratulations on all of the hard work and dedication!! One cautionary thing i want to say is, if you lose weight too quickly, you may risk have even more excess skin than if you slowed down a bit. Slow down the weight loss a little so your skin has a little time to bounce back on you and minimize the excess once you reach your final goals.

    I have a lot of friends that have made this journey as well and they all struggle with this, some more than others due to the rapid rate at which they loss it all. Good luck with everything!
  • I sense a sarcastic tone from some of the replies on here... That's fine, I'll just keep on keeping on. :)

    For everyone showing concern, I appreciate it. Part of what got me to this point was seeing my doctors and they all told me that I needed to lose weight fast. I don't have the best genetics and people in my family have a lot of (non-weight related) health issues, and my obesity was just exacerbating it. Next time I see these doctors, I want to impress them with my progress.

    Generally walking around has been easier, but my nagging injuries are getting in the way. Currently I have this weird pain in my heel that makes it hard to walk. My opposite knee is also feeling stressed due to the overcompensation in my gait.

    I'd honestly rather get to my goal weight more quickly and deal with the loose skin, than be obese any longer. I've lived nearly my entire life being fat, but I don't want to live that way anymore. I think it's unhealthier being as heavy as I was/am than losing weight quickly.

    My mom is a doctor and she has been overseeing my weight loss. Unless she tells me that what I'm doing is bad, I'm sticking with my goals.