On and off member, but hanging in there for a month straight this time around.

Howdy, I'm your local small-scale farmer here at Yellow House Farms. We raise chickens, ducks, rabbits, and vegetables. The orchard hasn't really produced much yet or I'd list fruit on there too. Our main product is eggs, which we supply to locals and Rennies. We also sell veggies fresh, pickled, and fermented when they're in season.

Last year I was doing okay, but not great, at 220 pounds. I spent the majority of my time carrying heavy loads over long distances. Over the winter I gained about forty-five pounds sitting on my butt. Now I need to try to get down below that, possibly all the way to 165 pounds, but I'll decide that based on my body fat percentage when I start getting closer to it.

So I'm down 15 pounds from my heaviest and looking to keep going. Encouragement is appreciated and will be reciprocated(provided I see the update). I have plenty of low-calorie recipes of my own design, including comfort food from the Southern states, and am willing to share provided you don't publish them or otherwise claim ownership over them... eventually they'll be in a book of my own. ;)
