Need to lose 200 pounds. Looking for friends and a community of support.

I have been battling with my heavy weight my entire life. I've lost the same weight 100 times over. Something has finally clicked inside me. I'm ready for this change. I'm ready to save my life and finally start living it!! However, I have found that it's easier with people standing beside you cheering you on and inspiring you to keep pushing. Let's do this together!! Add me here and follow my weight loss journey on Twitter @aNewLadyB.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Feel free to add me, I'm looking to lose in the same ballpark
  • Feel free to add me..good luck in your journey!
  • Feel free to friend me! I was overweight my entire life too, and like you, I lost and regained it more times than I care to admit. It gets better one day at a time.
  • Thanks!!
  • You can add me if you want to