I need to lose 155 pounds to get where I need to be. Can you be my support along the way?



  • I've lost 20 lbs, still have almost 75 lbs to go. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • I too have reached a point in my life where I need to lose a lot of weight. It doesn't bother me to stand or walk though. I thought I was around 285-290 until last night when I was talking to my mom about creating a diet plan and she said first I need to find out what I can consume a day in calories but to do that I needed to weigh myself, so I pulled out the old digital scale and found myself to have sadly and finally reached the 300s. As of last night I weighed in at 311 pounds and last time I tried to find dress pants (because I volunteer at a local theatre and need them for dress code) the largest I could find anywhere I looked was a size 44 and that's to tight, I can wear em but I would do better in a 46. So I have come to the realization I need to lose weight and a lot of it. My goal is to get down to 240, sept 2 years ago I was 248 so I know I can do it, once I get down to 240 I plan to work on getting to 200 but I'll be happy at 240.

    I know it won't be easy or quick but you're not in this battle alone.
  • I've lost about 70lbs and I still have about 80 more to go so I know the struggle. You can definitely do it, if I can!! Feel free to add me! :)
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