I need to lose 155 pounds to get where I need to be. Can you be my support along the way?



  • It wasn't long ago that I was right there with you. It won't always be easy, but you certainly don't have to suffer with what you're doing, either. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Good luck on your journey feel free to add me if you like

  • Do yourself the biggest favor and decide today to accept this as a LONG journey. Don't try for any quick fixes or short cuts. Shoot for 1 to 2lbs on average per week... Don't cut out foods you absolutely love and don't cut your calories so low that it's not sustainable. You can lose weight and it can be long lasting but not if you don't build good habits. Unfortunately habit building takes a long while and usually works best if you change things slowly.

    Best of luck! When you feel like quitting or you feel tempted to buy into a quick fix or crazy fad diet please remember why you started and what your experience was last time... Slow and Steady Wins The Race! :)
  • I need to lose over 50 pounds and I am sure we can support each other all the way. I will send you a friend request :) Speaking about this and realizing that you would like to change to a healthier person is a great first step You can do this!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Have faith in yourself, you've done this before and you can do it again. Don't give up when you make a mistake because in a long journey you will make some wrong turns. Ask yourself why you made the mistake, how you can keep from making the same mistake again then forget the mistake and carry the lesson forward. The next day will be a new day with new lessons on moving forward.

    Don't stop recording your weight and calories. I find the easiest path to gaining weight back is to stop monitoring. The human mind has an incredible ability to lie to itself in the absence of facts. That Cheeseburger looks great until you realize you just put on 5 lbs over the last few days.
  • My goal I set was to get to 199 although for my height (5'10")...I could probably stand to lose 20 more than that. Guess it depends on how I feel and how I carry it when I get there. I did a month on my own before I found MFP. So far, down about 21lbs (7ish since MFP). I'm currently around 264.

    I only have one friend so far and she's been extremely encouraging. Time to make some more! Add me if you still have room! :smile:
  • You can do this sweetie! One day at a time. I lost 121lbs after I had my oldest son. It took me 3 years and I had good and bad days but never gave up. We are all here for you. I am on this journey again because I had another baby 5 months ago and need to lose 20lbs which honestly, has been a struggle. I'd love to have more MFP friends and support :)
  • Have you thot about joining the Biggest Loser on here? We have a great group and help each other. Our team leaders are very inspiring. I've lost 26# this year, thanks to their help. You can find them in Community scroll down until you see the Biggest Loser Season17 link. Then look for sign up for season 18.
  • star1407 wrote: »
    Hiya, I've got 63 pounds to lose with the possibility of another half -1 stone depending on how I look
    Where are you from? I'm in Essex in England

    We can do this, just keep weighing and logging your food and have a good moan or cry on here when you need to. Support definitely helps make the journey easier xx

    I'm from Virginia in the states. Thank you for the support! Going to send you a friend request. :)

  • joeboland wrote: »
    It wasn't long ago that I was right there with you. It won't always be easy, but you certainly don't have to suffer with what you're doing, either. Feel free to add me. :)

    You look great! Thanks for the support and I'll toss ya a friend request now!
  • jrline wrote: »
    Good luck on your journey feel free to add me if you like


    Nice job on the weight loss! Truly inspiring to see how much others have achieved! Will be sending a friend request!
  • Do yourself the biggest favor and decide today to accept this as a LONG journey. Don't try for any quick fixes or short cuts. Shoot for 1 to 2lbs on average per week... Don't cut out foods you absolutely love and don't cut your calories so low that it's not sustainable. You can lose weight and it can be long lasting but not if you don't build good habits. Unfortunately habit building takes a long while and usually works best if you change things slowly.

    Best of luck! When you feel like quitting or you feel tempted to buy into a quick fix or crazy fad diet please remember why you started and what your experience was last time... Slow and Steady Wins The Race! :)

    It takes 21 days to make (or break) a habit. I plan to stick to this for a lifetime. No more pointless diets that end up putting you right back where you started once it's over. Thank you so much for the kind words and the friend request!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Rawan_29 wrote: »
    I need to lose over 50 pounds and I am sure we can support each other all the way. I will send you a friend request :) Speaking about this and realizing that you would like to change to a healthier person is a great first step You can do this!

    It really is beginning to be much more motivating having others in the same situation to talk to about these things, rather than just sitting here feeling sorry for myself and making excuses. I'm so happy I've reached out!
  • Have faith in yourself, you've done this before and you can do it again. Don't give up when you make a mistake because in a long journey you will make some wrong turns. Ask yourself why you made the mistake, how you can keep from making the same mistake again then forget the mistake and carry the lesson forward. The next day will be a new day with new lessons on moving forward.

    Don't stop recording your weight and calories. I find the easiest path to gaining weight back is to stop monitoring. The human mind has an incredible ability to lie to itself in the absence of facts. That Cheeseburger looks great until you realize you just put on 5 lbs over the last few days.

    You're absolutely right. I've got myself close to where I had always wanted to be and right back to where I am today. My biggest problem was that I would end up grabbing a soda, then a slice of cake, then a bag of chips - you know where this is going. That's the point where I've always just given up, as if there was nothing I could do to turn that around. I'd then stop recording my weight/calories, which meant I just started eating the same way I did before.

    This time will be different. My first day trying to get back on track, I had messed up and let temptation get the best of me at the end of the day. However, I didn't give up. I logged those calories, owned up to my mistake, and made corrections. I got back on my elliptical the next day and made sure I stayed within' my calorie limit.

    Sending you a friend request. :)
  • SRedd314 wrote: »
    star1407 wrote: »
    Hiya, I've got 63 pounds to lose with the possibility of another half -1 stone depending on how I look
    Where are you from? I'm in Essex in England

    We can do this, just keep weighing and logging your food and have a good moan or cry on here when you need to. Support definitely helps make the journey easier xx

    I'm from Virginia in the states. Thank you for the support! Going to send you a friend request. :)

    Ooh that's where Virginia Andrews writes about in her books, all those lovely hills! I'm so jealous, it seems like a beautiful place. Just going to accept your friend request now xxx
  • My goal I set was to get to 199 although for my height (5'10")...I could probably stand to lose 20 more than that. Guess it depends on how I feel and how I carry it when I get there. I did a month on my own before I found MFP. So far, down about 21lbs (7ish since MFP). I'm currently around 264.

    I only have one friend so far and she's been extremely encouraging. Time to make some more! Add me if you still have room! :smile:

    I absolutely have room! Will be sending you a request! I look forward to taking this journey together. Having other people supporting you really gives you accountability.
  • alord426 wrote: »
    You can do this sweetie! One day at a time. I lost 121lbs after I had my oldest son. It took me 3 years and I had good and bad days but never gave up. We are all here for you. I am on this journey again because I had another baby 5 months ago and need to lose 20lbs which honestly, has been a struggle. I'd love to have more MFP friends and support :)

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! I loved looking through your pictures - really an inspiration. You look fantastic, but I know we all have insecurities and room to improve! I'm happy to have you as a friend! :)
  • nannersp61 wrote: »
    Have you thot about joining the Biggest Loser on here? We have a great group and help each other. Our team leaders are very inspiring. I've lost 26# this year, thanks to their help. You can find them in Community scroll down until you see the Biggest Loser Season17 link. Then look for sign up for season 18.

    I've been on MFP before, but not until now have I explored the community side! That sounds like an awesome group. I'm going to have to explore a bit more on that! I'm a huge video game nerd and love some good competition! Going to send ya a friend request.
  • star1407 wrote: »
    SRedd314 wrote: »
    star1407 wrote: »
    Hiya, I've got 63 pounds to lose with the possibility of another half -1 stone depending on how I look
    Where are you from? I'm in Essex in England

    We can do this, just keep weighing and logging your food and have a good moan or cry on here when you need to. Support definitely helps make the journey easier xx

    I'm from Virginia in the states. Thank you for the support! Going to send you a friend request. :)

    Ooh that's where Virginia Andrews writes about in her books, all those lovely hills! I'm so jealous, it seems like a beautiful place. Just going to accept your friend request now xxx

    It really is gorgeous! Maybe I'll take a hike sometime and take pictures to share!
  • I started with 135 to lose and now I'm 110 away. :) will be happy to share the journey and experience. all the best.

    You can and you will do it. cheers! :)