NOT 1 single pound lost. I don't get it.... WHY!!!!



  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    geotrice wrote: »
    The fat was turned to could be holding onto water...chill... You made progress feel happy

    What? Unless the OP is a magician, fat does NOT turn into muscle. They're two separate things. And she's certainly not gaining a single bit of muscle eating 1200 calories.
  • Whittedo wrote: »
    freechewy wrote: »
    uh oh, stand by to get fussed at... I haven't lost a lot either but I am middle aged and your metabolism basically dies after 50. I still keep moderating my food intake and doing some form of exercise every day. Hang in there

    Good grief, that comment takes today's silly award. There are 100s of people over 60 years old on MFP that have lost weight with their "dead metabolism". You might want to look the word up in a reputable source before you use it in a sentence. I'm 62 and have lost 41 pounds since January 5. I also can lift more weight and I'm back to running after a 5 year hiatus because of arthritis in my knees. Not bad for a guy with "dead metabolism"

    +1 ....only I'm pushing 55. B)
  • inches loss > number on a scale
  • JordisTSM wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Could be any number of reasons. Faulty scales, water weight, muscle turned to fat (although I doubt you would build the exact amount of muscle as you have lost fat...).

    Make sure your only checking your weight once a week and do it at the exact same time e.g. morning and make sure your clothes are off or on, whatever suites you. I have noticed I can gain a whole kilo if I weight myself at night as compared with in the morning and if I keep my clothes on I can add anywhere between a couple hundred grams to a kilo so I always make sure I weigh myself at the same time and in the same way every time.

    Also 1200 calories seems a little low, you may want to look at that.

    People need to stop saying that...fat does not turn into muscle...that is impossible.

    Clearly you didn't get your magic wand when you signed up to MFP.

    Wait... whaaaa? I want the magic wand that turns fat into muscle. That's so cool! Sigh... If only... (Damn!t)

    It's in the Premium package. At least, that's the rumor.
  • Hang in there, keep making good decisions on what you eat, keep at drinking water, move as much as possible (regular activity plus exercise). It should work out in the long run, if your calories out are more than your calories in (for the most part). : ) Good luck!
  • Here is my standard MFP advice:

    Buy a food scale, weigh and log everything.

    Do cardio if you want, and if you do, only eat back 50% of your calories (if you are losing faster than expected after logging for a few weeks, then up the % you eat back). Lift weights and hit your protein goal to help maintain muscle mass while losing.

    Cheat meals that take you over maintenance will sabotage your efforts. Log the cheat meals too (falls under the 'log everything' rule).

    Eat anything you want in moderation, keeping in mind that your diet will be easier to stick with if you chose foods that make it easier to stay under your calories without feeling hungry.

    Also it would be a good idea to read some of the stickies at the top of the various forums such as:
    Calorie Counting 101
    Logging Accuracy, Consistency, & You're Probably Eating More Than You Think
    A Guide To Get You Started on Your Path To Sexy Pants

    +1 again - great articles and great information.
    Also, this article (and the content it links to) is full of wonderful information albeit very blunt. It is very good information if you take the time to read it:
  • Just a week, I really should chill a bit, i didn't gain it over night and I'm not going to loose it over night, but darn I wish I could.

    Lol@ a week. You are going to make this a long journey unless you chill out and start being patient. Just make sure you are consistently eating at an accurate deficit .
  • I'm 5 6 216. It is taking me an hour to ride 10 miles, sometimes the wind on the boardwalk is dredful. I haven't exercised in ages and have been doing something 7 days a week. I know I am being a bit ridiculous, but I expected the first week to have a bigger drop. I once did the Medifast diet and dropped 10 the first week. I'll see what happens next week and will be super careful on weighing.
  • From your food diary, it looks like you went well over your sodium goal on the 4th. Water retention can last quite awhile after something like that.
  • From your food diary, it looks like you went well over your sodium goal on the 4th. Water retention can last quite awhile after something like that.

    +1 Good call. Salt for me is the kiss of death on the scale. It does take time to get the salt out, too OP, so be patient. <3
  • Pace yourself or you will burn out, cant you see how your impatience undermines you? Just do a reasonable amount of exercise , keep making an effort and your fitness will come.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm 5 6 216. It is taking me an hour to ride 10 miles, sometimes the wind on the boardwalk is dredful. I haven't exercised in ages and have been doing something 7 days a week. I know I am being a bit ridiculous, but I expected the first week to have a bigger drop. I once did the Medifast diet and dropped 10 the first week. I'll see what happens next week and will be super careful on weighing.

    Well, you didn't drop 10 pounds of fat in a week on Medifast. The majority of that would have been just water weight. Also, you might want to be careful going all in like that with exercise the first week. I'm not discouraging exercise at all, but I also don't want to see you burn out either or get injured considering you say you haven't exercised in a long time. Slow and steady wins the race, and it usually results in more sustainable weight lost as well.

  • I'm 5 6 216. It is taking me an hour to ride 10 miles, sometimes the wind on the boardwalk is dredful. I haven't exercised in ages and have been doing something 7 days a week. I know I am being a bit ridiculous, but I expected the first week to have a bigger drop. I once did the Medifast diet and dropped 10 the first week. I'll see what happens next week and will be super careful on weighing.

    So looked up that diet you did. I just laughed at it.

  • I use a cycle app. And have been riding 10 miles a day. I have been weighing my food and using their entries, I will start paying more attention to my weighing foods as for the exercise calorie burned, any suggestions on how to get them more accurate

    I have a friend that uses a cycling app and when I see his calorie burns in my newsfeed I kinda roll my eyes... cycling was designed to a fairly efficient means of getting around - you are likely only burning about 50% of the calories your app indicates (based on what I'm seeing from my friends results). Walking or running would be better 'burn' activity with that added benefit that the algorithms used to calculate walking/running burns tend to more accurate (still estimates based on averages, though).
  • yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I'm 5 6 216. It is taking me an hour to ride 10 miles, sometimes the wind on the boardwalk is dredful. I haven't exercised in ages and have been doing something 7 days a week. I know I am being a bit ridiculous, but I expected the first week to have a bigger drop. I once did the Medifast diet and dropped 10 the first week. I'll see what happens next week and will be super careful on weighing.

    So looked up that diet you did. I just laughed at it.

  • freechewy wrote: »
    uh oh, stand by to get fussed at... I haven't lost a lot either but I am middle aged and your metabolism basically dies after 50. I still keep moderating my food intake and doing some form of exercise every day. Hang in there

    I guess my metabolism didn't get the memo - I have lost 50lbs since I turned 50 and my metabolism died. I gained 100+ lbs during my 40's - when my metabolism was alive and kickin'.
  • I was thinking about doing it again because I lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks, but remembered how I racked it right back on. So decided to this instead. This community is amazing, thanks for all the support . Have a great day everyone
  • I was thinking about doing it again because I lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks, but remembered how I racked it right back on. So decided to this instead. This community is amazing, thanks for all the support . Have a great day everyone

    I filled out the little test thing to see what more I can laugh at. All meals were medifast foods. Lose five pounds in first week then 1-2 every week after. That is not how this works. Maybe the test should ask if I have lost any weight before starting that. Just sounds like a high price very low calorie diet.
  • Very pricey like 400+ a month and it seems like it takes a very long time to get past the maintenance stage and to be honest u don't change ur habits. Off today going to walk rather than bike ... it's beautiful out... and away we gooooooo, lol
  • Very pricey like 400+ a month and it seems like it takes a very long time to get past the maintenance stage and to be honest u don't change ur habits. Off today going to walk rather than bike ... it's beautiful out... and away we gooooooo, lol

    I wish I had that kind of money to use on a food budget for one person.