NOT 1 single pound lost. I don't get it.... WHY!!!!



  • geotrice wrote: »
    The fat was turned to could be holding onto water...chill... You made progress feel happy

    No, fat doesn't turn to muscle.
  • freechewy wrote: »
    uh oh, stand by to get fussed at... I haven't lost a lot either but I am middle aged and your metabolism basically dies after 50. I still keep moderating my food intake and doing some form of exercise every day. Hang in there

    I'm 53 and my metabolism is just fine. I lost 44 pounds at between 51 and 52 and have been maintaining for a year.

    I like the rest of your advice. :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Okay so today was my official weigh in day. Nothing, Nada not 1 pound lost. I made my own challenge that I would move every day, I set my calorie intake to 1200. Not 1 soda grrrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness I also did do body measurements, I did see a loss of inches but can't understand why the scale didn't move. Desperately need advice please.
    Thanks in advance.

    A week is nothing at all.

    I just looked at your diary. Where do you get those exercise burns from? They look overestimated.

    I also don't think you weigh your food because you have some generic entries in there.

    If you were really eating so few calories you would be losing weight. No, don't up them until you are sure you have your logging under control and as accurate as you can get it. :)

  • geotrice wrote: »
    The fat was turned to could be holding onto water...chill... You made progress feel happy

    NO wrong.
  • I agree with upping your calories to 1300. Keep in mind you are losing inches , so you are definitely on the right path.
  • freechewy wrote: »
    uh oh, stand by to get fussed at... I haven't lost a lot either but I am middle aged and your metabolism basically dies after 50. I still keep moderating my food intake and doing some form of exercise every day. Hang in there

    Good grief, that comment takes today's silly award. There are 100s of people over 60 years old on MFP that have lost weight with their "dead metabolism". You might want to look the word up in a reputable source before you use it in a sentence. I'm 62 and have lost 41 pounds since January 5. I also can lift more weight and I'm back to running after a 5 year hiatus because of arthritis in my knees. Not bad for a guy with "dead metabolism"
  • SLLRunner wrote: »
    Okay so today was my official weigh in day. Nothing, Nada not 1 pound lost. I made my own challenge that I would move every day, I set my calorie intake to 1200. Not 1 soda grrrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness I also did do body measurements, I did see a loss of inches but can't understand why the scale didn't move. Desperately need advice please.
    Thanks in advance.

    A week is nothing at all.

    I just looked at your diary. Where do you get those exercise burns from? They look overestimated.

    I also don't think you weigh your food because you have some generic entries in there.

    If you were really eating so few calories you would be losing weight. No, don't up them until you are sure you have your logging under control and as accurate as you can get it. :)

  • I use a cycle app. And have been riding 10 miles a day. I have been weighing my food and using their entries, I will start paying more attention to my weighing foods as for the exercise calorie burned, any suggestions on how to get them more accurate
  • I look thinner now at the same weight as I was before because I work out. Don't sweat it too much it will all turn out in the end.
  • arditarose wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - do you use a food scale?


    And I really wish people would stop telling others that they are turning fat into muscle or gaining muscle in their calorie deficits and that's why they're not losing. That is absolutely no help.

    God, I wish I could build muscle on a caloric deficit. That would make life so much easier.
  • Do not use the scale as a measuring stick for progress. The main thing that should be used is the mirror. Dont focus on weight so much. Too many factors IMO to use that as a main source.
  • I use a cycle app. And have been riding 10 miles a day. I have been weighing my food and using their entries, I will start paying more attention to my weighing foods as for the exercise calorie burned, any suggestions on how to get them more accurate

    Most calorie burns are over estimated. Eat back half unless you find yourself starving, then eat back a few more. Over time you'll find a good balance of how many you can eat back and still lose!

    With having not lost anything, you may not have changed your eating enough (not a bad thing) to lose water weight. Many people drastically change their eating habits and see a huge drop the first week, but it's not fat yet. Keep it up, you'll see a drop soon enough, and you've already seen inches. That's a good start!
  • For what it's worth... has your diet changed? i.e. are you now drinking protein drinks you never drank before, or eating different foods?

    When you start up a new activity, it is often the case where you will see a spike in weight due to water retention, muscle repair, and the scientific explanation that your body is saying "WTF are you doing to me???"

    Another interesting tidbit... I decided to add a protein shake to my diet when I started lifting weights, and my weight went up by a couple of pounds. I felt pretty crappy (hehe literally) for weeks, and I wasn't sure what was up.

    I finally tied it to the shakes - there is a slow release protein in them that causes them to digest slower. My body does not like this. I decided to stop the shakes, felt better by the next day, and lost two pounds.

    Apparently I was just constantly full of sh... shake. Yeah, that's it. Shake.
  • I use a cycle app. And have been riding 10 miles a day. I have been weighing my food and using their entries, I will start paying more attention to my weighing foods as for the exercise calorie burned, any suggestions on how to get them more accurate

    How long does it take you to go those 10 miles? Are you huffing and puffing or just moving along? How tall are you and what is your current weight and age? Calorie burn is different for everyone MFP doles out way too many exercise calories so you can't trust that.

  • Just added yoga and strength training? - my bet is on water retention in your muscles.
  • freechewy wrote: »
    uh oh, stand by to get fussed at... I haven't lost a lot either but I am middle aged and your metabolism basically dies after 50. I still keep moderating my food intake and doing some form of exercise every day. Hang in there

    My progress picture says otherwise, and I have multiple medical conditions that make it difficult for me to exercise at times.

    Don't blame being over 50. If you're not losing, there's something wrong with your logging, or you have an undiagnosed medical issue.

  • I did almost the same thing. For 2 weeks, my scales remained consistent. However, even without measuring (in the process of moving so tape measure is currently misplaced) I could tell my clothes were fitting much looser. I just kept doing what I was doing - measuring everything, eating well, exercising more, etc. Today - the scale finally moved in the right direction. Patience is the key. We didn't gain the weight overnight, so we're not going to lose it overnight. Good luck to you!
  • AmyRhubarb wrote: »
    Okay so today was my official weigh in day. Nothing, Nada not 1 pound lost. I made my own challenge that I would move every day, I set my calorie intake to 1200. Not 1 soda grrrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness I also did do body measurements, I did see a loss of inches but can't understand why the scale didn't move. Desperately need advice please.
    Thanks in advance.
    Inches lost = WIN! Scale not moving = who cares? Can anyone else see your scale numbers? No. Can anyone else see the visible results that are inches lost? Yes!

    Best advice I can give - DON NOT LET THE SCALE DEFINE YOU OR MESS WITH YOUR HEAD! I went six months without losing anything on the scale, but during that time I dropped a full size! I laughed at my scale and went out to buy new, smaller sized jeans!

    The scale WILL go up and down day to day, week to week - the losses are not linear. Track your measurements, take a few photos for comparison later, and don't let those scale numbers stress you out - a lower number is not always the sign of progress, and certainly not a sign of failure - it's just a number. :tongue:

    Edited to add: Fat does not turn into muscle, you did not gain muscle on a calorie deficit, and "middle aged" is no excuse - I'm 47 and in far better shape than I was in my 30's! I have reached every fitness and weight loss goal I have set for myself over the past few years, and maintained the progress. You can do anything you set your mind to.

    Eat the right number of cals to fuel your body for daily routines and exercise, drink water, take rest days, get plenty of sleep. That's all there is to it.

    Yes! This ^^
  • Also it would be a good idea to read some of the stickies at the top of the various forums such as:
    Calorie Counting 101
    Logging Accuracy, Consistency, & You're Probably Eating More Than You Think
    A Guide To Get You Started on Your Path To Sexy Pants

    +1 Especially Sexypants!