NOT 1 single pound lost. I don't get it.... WHY!!!!



  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Okay so today was my official weigh in day. Nothing, Nada not 1 pound lost. I made my own challenge that I would move every day, I set my calorie intake to 1200. Not 1 soda grrrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness I also did do body measurements, I did see a loss of inches but can't understand why the scale didn't move. Desperately need advice please.
    Thanks in advance.
    Inches lost = WIN! Scale not moving = who cares? Can anyone else see your scale numbers? No. Can anyone else see the visible results that are inches lost? Yes!

    Best advice I can give - DON NOT LET THE SCALE DEFINE YOU OR MESS WITH YOUR HEAD! I went six months without losing anything on the scale, but during that time I dropped a full size! I laughed at my scale and went out to buy new, smaller sized jeans!

    The scale WILL go up and down day to day, week to week - the losses are not linear. Track your measurements, take a few photos for comparison later, and don't let those scale numbers stress you out - a lower number is not always the sign of progress, and certainly not a sign of failure - it's just a number. :tongue:

    Edited to add: Fat does not turn into muscle, you did not gain muscle on a calorie deficit, and "middle aged" is no excuse - I'm 47 and in far better shape than I was in my 30's! I have reached every fitness and weight loss goal I have set for myself over the past few years, and maintained the progress. You can do anything you set your mind to.

    Eat the right number of cals to fuel your body for daily routines and exercise, drink water, take rest days, get plenty of sleep. That's all there is to it.

  • arditarose wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - do you use a food scale?


    And I really wish people would stop telling others that they are turning fat into muscle or gaining muscle in their calorie deficits and that's why they're not losing. That is absolutely no help.

    unfortunately, that is never going to stop …*sigh*
  • kaspatore wrote: »
    look up the "woosh" happened to me... no loss until like 3 weeks in and suddenly was 4 pounds down. Hang in there!
    That happened to me, too! In some ways, I would rather lose the inches than the pounds!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    ronronronj wrote: »
    kaspatore wrote: »
    look up the "woosh" happened to me... no loss until like 3 weeks in and suddenly was 4 pounds down. Hang in there!
    That happened to me, too! In some ways, I would rather lose the inches than the pounds!
    kaspatore wrote: »
    look up the "woosh" happened to me... no loss until like 3 weeks in and suddenly was 4 pounds down. Hang in there!

    This is my pattern as well, and it has been since I started losing weight in August. I won't lose anything for 2 or 3 weeks, then suddenly I will drop 3 pounds in a week. Not sure why this happens, but it's a definite pattern for me personally. I've lost 85 pounds and it's been that way the whole way through. I am a shining example of the fact that weight loss is not linear, lol.

    That being said, until you have such a noticeable pattern with your weight loss, it's best to consider other things as the cause. As others said make sure you are weighing and measuring EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. That means everything including prepackaged foods. Also, make sure you are using correct database entries. There are a ton in the database that aren't accurate, so just be mindful of that. If you are tracking calories correctly, weighing and measuring, and using correct entries then just be patient. It will happen.

  • jnv7594 wrote: »
    ronronronj wrote: »
    kaspatore wrote: »
    look up the "woosh" happened to me... no loss until like 3 weeks in and suddenly was 4 pounds down. Hang in there!
    That happened to me, too! In some ways, I would rather lose the inches than the pounds!
    kaspatore wrote: »
    look up the "woosh" happened to me... no loss until like 3 weeks in and suddenly was 4 pounds down. Hang in there!

    This is my pattern as well, and it has been since I started losing weight in August. I won't lose anything for 2 or 3 weeks, then suddenly I will drop 3 pounds in a week. Not sure why this happens, but it's a definite pattern for me personally. I've lost 85 pounds and it's been that way the whole way through. I am a shining example of the fact that weight loss is not linear, lol.

    That being said, until you have such a noticeable pattern with your weight loss, it's best to consider other things as the cause. As others said make sure you are weighing and measuring EVERYTHING that goes in your mount. That means everything including prepackaged foods. Also, make sure you are using correct database entries. There are a ton in the database that aren't accurate, so just be mindful of that. If you are tracking calories correctly, weighing and measuring, and using correct entries then just be patient. It will happen.

    Same for me.

    And I agree, until you've been logging long enough to have the data to assume you will lose in this manner, you have to make sure you're logging accurately and using a food scale.
  • Thank you so much for the support. From this site I did every calculation they had lol. And my BMR was 2332. And after reading and reading, it seems that 1200 cal, which I set for my goal is low, so I raised it to 1600. And I am not going to allow the scale to discourage me. I will also take some pictures tomorrow. (I'm scared lol) having other ways to track success will most defiantly keep me motivated. Thanks again everyone. :)<3
  • Thank you so much for the support. From this site I did every calculation they had lol. And my BMR was 2332. And after reading and reading, it seems that 1200 cal, which I set for my goal is low, so I raised it to 1600. And I am not going to allow the scale to discourage me. I will also take some pictures tomorrow. (I'm scared lol) having other ways to track success will most defiantly keep me motivated. Thanks again everyone. :)<3

    This is great, but if you weren't losing on what you thought was 1200, you're going to need to be very diligent when you up your calories. Food scale.
  • Food scale, food scale, food scale!

    You mention that this was your weigh in day, how long have you been stalled at the same weight?
  • I have been biking 5 to 10 miles a day, or walking 5 plus added yoga classes and strength training 3 times a week. If I don't see a difference, I'll tweek it again. What do u think the goal calorie should be?
  • I have been biking 5 to 10 miles a day, or walking 5 plus added yoga classes and strength training 3 times a week. If I don't see a difference, I'll tweek it again. What do u think the goal calorie should be?

    I don't remember you mentioning your statistics. Remember, you should not strive to create the whole of your deficit with exercise. Create the deficit with you diet, weighing all food on a food scale and logging accurately every bite you eat. Exercise will help you eat more.
  • Just a week, I really should chill a bit, i didn't gain it over night and I'm not going to loose it over night, but darn I wish I could.
  • No one can give you an accurate calorie goal without knowing all of your stats.

    Plus, if you're not using a food scale to weigh everything, you really don't know how many calories you're eating, so a calorie target is useless.
  • Just a week, I really should chill a bit, i didn't gain it over night and I'm not going to loose it over night, but darn I wish I could.

    A week! lol. Nevermind. Be patient.

    I stalled for weeks and weeks being in an extremely accurate/well logged deficit. I finally lost it all this week, of course when I gave up and went into maintenance.

    Patience. And food scale.
  • Here is my standard MFP advice:

    Buy a food scale, weigh and log everything.

    Do cardio if you want, and if you do, only eat back 50% of your calories (if you are losing faster than expected after logging for a few weeks, then up the % you eat back). Lift weights and hit your protein goal to help maintain muscle mass while losing.

    Cheat meals that take you over maintenance will sabotage your efforts. Log the cheat meals too (falls under the 'log everything' rule).

    Eat anything you want in moderation, keeping in mind that your diet will be easier to stick with if you chose foods that make it easier to stay under your calories without feeling hungry.

    Also it would be a good idea to read some of the stickies at the top of the various forums such as:
    Calorie Counting 101
    Logging Accuracy, Consistency, & You're Probably Eating More Than You Think
    A Guide To Get You Started on Your Path To Sexy Pants
  • JordisTSM wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Could be any number of reasons. Faulty scales, water weight, muscle turned to fat (although I doubt you would build the exact amount of muscle as you have lost fat...).

    Make sure your only checking your weight once a week and do it at the exact same time e.g. morning and make sure your clothes are off or on, whatever suites you. I have noticed I can gain a whole kilo if I weight myself at night as compared with in the morning and if I keep my clothes on I can add anywhere between a couple hundred grams to a kilo so I always make sure I weigh myself at the same time and in the same way every time.

    Also 1200 calories seems a little low, you may want to look at that.

    People need to stop saying that...fat does not turn into muscle...that is impossible.

    Clearly you didn't get your magic wand when you signed up to MFP.

    Wait... whaaaa? I want the magic wand that turns fat into muscle. That's so cool! Sigh... If only... (Damn!t)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    As someone who initially followed 1200 recommendation, up your calories by a 100 a week and find a comfortable range where you feel full but are still losing. Hope you find your happy zone.
  • I am using a food scale, and measuring everything. Thanks for the links, I'll read up on it all. Good night all
  • I am using a food scale, and measuring everything. Thanks for the links, I'll read up on it all. Good night all

  • As someone who initially followed 1200 recommendation, up your calories by a 100 a week and find a comfortable range where you feel full but are still losing. Hope you find your happy zone.
    As someone who initially followed 1200 recommendation, up your calories by a 100 a week and find a comfortable range where you feel full but are still losing. Hope you find your happy zone.

    That is great advice, I'll up it to 1300 . Thanks again
  • Just a week, I really should chill a bit, i didn't gain it over night and I'm not going to loose it over night, but darn I wish I could.

    Stick with what you're currently doing. 1 week is nothing ... it's possible you might not even lose anything in 2 weeks.

    Sometimes it takes a while to get going, and then all of a sudden ... it happens.