geotrice wrote: » The fat was turned to could be holding onto water...chill... You made progress feel happy
andreirotariu wrote: » Could be any number of reasons. Faulty scales, water weight, muscle turned to fat (although I doubt you would build the exact amount of muscle as you have lost fat...). Make sure your only checking your weight once a week and do it at the exact same time e.g. morning and make sure your clothes are off or on, whatever suites you. I have noticed I can gain a whole kilo if I weight myself at night as compared with in the morning and if I keep my clothes on I can add anywhere between a couple hundred grams to a kilo so I always make sure I weigh myself at the same time and in the same way every time. Also 1200 calories seems a little low, you may want to look at that.
SezxyStef wrote: » andreirotariu wrote: » Could be any number of reasons. Faulty scales, water weight, muscle turned to fat (although I doubt you would build the exact amount of muscle as you have lost fat...). Make sure your only checking your weight once a week and do it at the exact same time e.g. morning and make sure your clothes are off or on, whatever suites you. I have noticed I can gain a whole kilo if I weight myself at night as compared with in the morning and if I keep my clothes on I can add anywhere between a couple hundred grams to a kilo so I always make sure I weigh myself at the same time and in the same way every time. Also 1200 calories seems a little low, you may want to look at that. People need to stop saying that...fat does not turn into muscle...that is impossible.
freechewy wrote: » uh oh, stand by to get fussed at... I haven't lost a lot either but I am middle aged and your metabolism basically dies after 50. I still keep moderating my food intake and doing some form of exercise every day. Hang in there
jthomas0054 wrote: » Okay so today was my official weigh in day. Nothing, Nada not 1 pound lost. I made my own challenge that I would move every day, I set my calorie intake to 1200. Not 1 soda grrrrrrrrrrr. Thank goodness I also did do body measurements, I did see a loss of inches but can't understand why the scale didn't move. Desperately need advice please. Thanks in advance.
ndj1979 wrote: » OP - do you use a food scale?