
Hi my name is Nicole. I've struggled with my weight for awhile and this app has actually helped. I would love to be friends with people who have the same goal as me which is to have a healthy weight and stay fit.


  • Hi Nicole, I just joined, and I love texting on here because it has kept me from eating... I eat when I'm bored, but this is fun. I have to lose 20 lbs, but I'd like to lose more. Do you have any ideas?
  • I would definitely keep doing what you're doing. Eating when bored was what kept my weight on now instead I take walks. I would say the best thing to do is eat only your 3 meals breakfast lunch and dinner with small snacks in between. I cut out soda and have been drinking water and lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I want to lose 100 lbs in total and I'm still working on it. Just keep up the good work and don't quit.
  • The flavor packets for water bottles are really good. I buy Hawaiian punch.