Uncomfortable after weight loss.

I'm hitting that point again that I often hit...where I just start to feel really miserable. Maybe others can related.
Not that I expect happiness with getting fit. I was fit for most of my life it did not bring any more happiness than anything else. And heavier I feel happy most of the time too. But yes these last few years, after two kids life stresses, I go between 175 and 210!!! yo yoing...so bad for you but its been how its been.
And while I would like to get to a healthy weight (for me looking better is perk but general health is the main goal I don't want to have higher risks for health problems) but I start to feel really uncomfortable at the 175 stage. What's with that? I get annoyed with people focusing on how much weight I've lost for one...it makes me feel like I'm sticking out like a sore thumb. Second I just in general don't feel comfortable?!
I know I need to push through this time,...but I'm just currently not sure how to shake this misery and discomfort.


  • If you are an introvert (like me) you probably don't like people to make a big deal out of the weight loss and make a spectacle out of you. For me a nice comment is fine but a big overblown expression of shock or amazement just makes me uncomfortable. Not sure if that is what you mean but that is what happened to me the last time I lost a lot of weight...
  • MsNeumann wrote: »
    If you are an introvert (like me) you probably don't like people to make a big deal out of the weight loss and make a spectacle out of you. For me a nice comment is fine but a big overblown expression of shock or amazement just makes me uncomfortable. Not sure if that is what you mean but that is what happened to me the last time I lost a lot of weight...

    Yes its def part of it. Other part is maybe over the years I've gotten to be more comfortable with this extra few layers of fat its like a security blanket.

  • What do you mean by uncomfortable? Physically uncomfortable? Emotionally uncomfortable? Socially uncomfortable? You're super hungry and don't feel good? You don't recognize yourself in the mirror? Your clothes look frumpy?
    Just trying to get a feel for what you're saying.
  • DirrtyH wrote: »
    What do you mean by uncomfortable? Physically uncomfortable? Emotionally uncomfortable? Socially uncomfortable? You're super hungry and don't feel good? You don't recognize yourself in the mirror? Your clothes look frumpy?
    Just trying to get a feel for what you're saying.

    Probably all of the above, I don't know I guess my brain hasn't caught up to my body. But first person is more bang on, I don't like it pointed out...and when it is it makes me want to hide in my old body. So yes all of the above I guess, physically, emotionally, socially. I'm not hungry though lol...one good thing.

  • Sounds like a self-confidence issue? I'm far from an expert so take me with a grain of salt. I would think that mainly just time would be helpful. But I would also suggest having a more concrete goal. Like, instead of just to be healthier, maybe your goal is to run a specific race, or wear a certain dress/outfit, or feel great at a certain event, vacation, etc. Maybe if you had something more specific to work toward, you'd feel more excitement about the process and less anxiety?