Hey guys, I just started a garden at my new house I moved into a little more than a month ago and I've been looking at things for a while that I want to start identifying or removing.
I took some pictures and I was hoping people could help me determine whether I'm looking at a weed or a flower or whatever. I'm really new to this—this is my first garden and the first time I've ever really taken full command of my yard—so any help would be much appreciated.
So, firstly, the things I'm pretty sure are weeds ... but again I don't know anything about this stuff and haven't found anything online to be specific enough for me to make a determination ... In advance I apologize for the blurriness of some of these photos. I was just walking through and snapping some quick shots.

Also, what are these?

I've got these purple flowers popping up all over the garden but I'm not sure what they are. Maybe they're one of those weeds with flowers, I don't know.

Any idea what this guy is? I thought it was a giant weed because it's so thick but now it's got some pretty flowers hanging off of it. Kind of like a bunch of bells. I tried googling it based off of description but couldn't find anything off-hand.

This is a Columbine, right?
And one last one I thought turned out neat:

If I get some responses I'll probably post more at some point for assistance with general identification and perhaps labeling weeds and such.
Thanks for your time, I appreciate it. I really want to clear up some area for more tomatoes!