Plant identification

Hey guys, I just started a garden at my new house I moved into a little more than a month ago and I've been looking at things for a while that I want to start identifying or removing.

I took some pictures and I was hoping people could help me determine whether I'm looking at a weed or a flower or whatever. I'm really new to this—this is my first garden and the first time I've ever really taken full command of my yard—so any help would be much appreciated.

So, firstly, the things I'm pretty sure are weeds ... but again I don't know anything about this stuff and haven't found anything online to be specific enough for me to make a determination ... In advance I apologize for the blurriness of some of these photos. I was just walking through and snapping some quick shots.








Also, what are these?

I've got these purple flowers popping up all over the garden but I'm not sure what they are. Maybe they're one of those weeds with flowers, I don't know.

Any idea what this guy is? I thought it was a giant weed because it's so thick but now it's got some pretty flowers hanging off of it. Kind of like a bunch of bells. I tried googling it based off of description but couldn't find anything off-hand.

This is a Columbine, right?

And one last one I thought turned out neat:


If I get some responses I'll probably post more at some point for assistance with general identification and perhaps labeling weeds and such.

Thanks for your time, I appreciate it. I really want to clear up some area for more tomatoes!


  • 1st one is mint
  • Yeah that's a columbine. And the purple flowers are irises.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Mint, huh? I didn't notice a minty smell at the time, I'll have to take a look at it again. e; Smelled it. It smells citrusy, not minty. It's sort of made me question whether I know what mint smells like or not.

    Thanks for the responses so far :)
  • May be lemon basil??
  • I think I see lemon balm, horsetail, comfrey, spanish bluebells, violets, bolted spinach?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    The plants with the white flowers are definitely weeds. I'm pretty sure the 4th picture is also a weed unless it has evergreen leaves and is rosemary, but it doesn't look like rosemary in the picture. The purple flowers are definitely not irises. They look like some sort of bluebells, and can act like a weed (used to have a tone of them growing up but I can't remember their name, but I want to say Spanish Bluebells?). They're so pretty my mom just let them grow. The last one is definitely not a weed, and almost looks like a dahlia but too small (unless that ant is HUGE) and way too early in the season- my mom's don't bloom until July/August up in Seattle. May have to wait until it blooms to see.

    The really tall giant weed also looks like foxglove to me. I can't see the flowers you describe but they are bell like. If it is foxglove, just note they are poisonous and can kill kitties and children. I would suggest ripping them out if you have either.

    One thing that might help is go to your local nursery and see what plants they offer/ are blooming. That will help you get the names and decide if they were purposefully planted or not. With some good pictures the staff will likely also be able to help you figure out which ones are which even if they don't carry them.
  • Wow, thanks guys, this gives me lots to go with.

    So the lemony one ... I put a piece against my tongue and afterward it kind of "burned". I mean, it wasn't substantial, just general "poison plant testing". So I'm thinking maybe not, but looking online there are many photos of lemon balm that resemble it very closely. I'm just perturbed about that slight burning. I read it can be used as a herb in cooking and stuff but I don't want to be actually putting something one shouldn't eat in my food.

    Googled horsetail, it doesn't resemble anything in my yard but I think I see where you were going with that. I think you're right on the comfrey. I think I see where you're going with the bolted spinach but would that just grow on its own? No one else has planted anything this year other than me.

    Super glad for clarification about that bushy plant with the flowers. I figured that must be a weed because it's just a mess of bush and not attractive. And the fourth plant, too. I look at it and think it's got to be a weed and I don't want to spend any time growing one that can't be used for anything worthwhile.

    Pretty sure you guys are right about the Spanish Bluebells, too; I searched Irises and they don't resemble that. They look all right but they're mostly wilting and then there's just that mess of thick blades at the base. So maybe I'll pull that, too.

    I know the last one isn't a weed, I just wanted to share the picture ;) Can't believe it came from a cell phone ... Anyway, I think it's a rose, isn't it?

    You're also correct about the foxglove. It looks really nice but if I ever get a cat I'll get rid of it. I intend to someday. Either way, it seems they only last for two years? This would have to be the second, minimum, so it seems they wouldn't come back next year anyway, huh?

    That's a good idea about going to a nursery but I'm not too confident, to be honest. My stepdad is in charge of the plant section at a local store that kind of specializes in that stuff and he isn't too good at identifying stuff, unfortunately. He also has a forestry degree. Huh.

    Anyway, thanks guys, I think that actually covers a LOT for me and will really help me to start clearing things out.
  • The first one is coleus and butterfly weed.

    The second looks like rocket or a type of japanese spinach.

    The third is a caladium. Just a plain green one. Not the prettiest variety.

    Fourth is a type of butterfly weed.

    The white flower is a geranium, a Kashmir White cranesbill geranium. Often used as ground cover.

    Then more of that butterfly weed and bluebells

    Then I think comfrey.

    Then columbine.

    It appears that you have what used to be a butterfly garden.