
Did your overweight friends ever became jealous of your weight loss? Or they acted different around you?


  • I've been actively sabotaged by my overweight friends. The constant invitations to go grab cupcakes, lunch out, etc. I don't know if they were jealous of my weight loss, but they certainly weren't ready to change their behaviors at all yet.
  • Overweight people in general.
  • Nope. It's not something we sit around and talk about but nobody close to me who is overweight has treated me poorly due to it either.
  • not at all. we're all at different fitness levels and we bring each other up. it also helps that we all want to be healthy/active.
  • Only one friend.

    And so not friends anymore!
  • I wouldn't say friends as much as coworkers or acquaintences. They make comments but I see those comments as a dig on something wrong in their life and not with my fitness journey.
  • Nope. I'm the smallest and most active of all my friends, and it is a total non-issue. We do like eating and having drinks together, and nobody judges each other's choices. I just go for a slightly longer run if I know we're going for a boozy Italian ;)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    A few did become jealous. I still have the occasional Facebook friend (friend used loosely) that makes smart *kitten* comments when I post pictures and what not. I don't care though. Haters gonna hate.

    and I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake...
  • For me it was usually some off hand comment, them making an excuse as to why they couldn't do it. Or they would say, "Oh of course you lost weight [insert excuse about my situation being better here]" Or they make light of the hard work involved. Just smile and move on. :)
  • Not really, but I find overweight women who once smiled and said hello at work now do the quick up and down look...then walk away. :( I find that rude, as I like people and am friendly to them no matter what they weigh. My room mate teases me about working she doesn't.
  • Hornsby wrote: »
    A few did become jealous. I still have the occasional Facebook friend (friend used loosely) that makes smart *kitten* comments when I post pictures and what not. I don't care though. Haters gonna hate.

    and I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake...

    This :)
  • My friends have been supportive. Some of my heavier/less health oriented friends don't necessarily have great habits so they invite me to do things, or choose restaurants, that aren't necessarily my best options but I've never got the sense that they're trying sabotage me. People generally will treat you the way you expect them to treat you and if they can't treat me with respect then I don't need them in my life.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    One of my close friends (she dislikes her weight)started to complain about her weight as soon as she realized that I'm not 'the fat friend" anymore. She makes sneaky comments about herself,like it should make me feel bad that I am not living overweight life and I don't have to struggle with clothes. Jealousy destroys so many good things.

    In the past year or so,she has become distant and avoids me more than ever. Yesterday our mutual friend told that she listened to her and realized that jealousy is the actual reason behind many things. Including meeting up.

  • I've only had negative encounters with my brother in laws EX girlfriends (2). They seen me as a "threat" because I got skinny. I use quotations because I'm married and have been for 10 years. I view them as my little brothers.
  • My co-workers always make a big fuss about what I eat or don't eat if we order pizza for lunch and I get a salad... They ridicule my choices. Hah. Well, I've lost 20lbs so far, so I must be doing something right.