Just want some positive input

I don't like writing on the forum b/c some people can be so mean, but I just need some input. I know, people have been over this 1000000 times. I used to just do cardio, 30 min daily and try to eat 1200 calories. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. I got off track and gained it back. I joined the gym in March (still have a treadmill at home) so I could do cardio and strength b/c I've read how good lifting is for weight loss. I do 30 min of jogging on treadmill at gym, or some other cardio like stair step etc. And then I alternate between upper and lower body days. I am doing squats now, lifting dumbbells, etc. I LOVE it. And I feel so great after working out....I love the gym, I don't love exercise but I love the feeling afterwards. Anyways...my scale has only gone down 5 lbs since March. I know, I know...don't judge by the scale. Its hard to judge yourself (at least it is for me) when I pick apart every fat roll I see. I can tell my clothes fit a little better. I can see in pics that my face is thinner, and I know my endurance has gone up. I just this week upped my calories to 1340 thinking maybe I'll try that for a few weeks to see if that helps, maybe 1200 was too low. I log everything, even on days I don't do so well. I have a scale and weigh everything, and this time around, I'm even focusing on healthy calories, not just calories. Am I doing everything right, and just need to be patient, or am I missing something? I used to weigh every morning, just to observe, but only count it once per week...but for my own sanity, I only weigh on Friday's now. My biggest loss in a week since I started this time around has been like 1.2 lbs. And although I'm grateful, I feel like I'm missing something. Any suggestions??
My stats:
38 y/o
SW - 187lbs
CW - 182lbs
GW - 150lbs (for now)


  • do you use a food scale to weight all solids?
    do you log everything?
    Are you on a structured lifting program or is this a homemade program?

  • If your goal is to lose 30 pounds, then 1 pound a week is good, reasonable progress.
    I would just stick with what you are doing for a few weeks. Log as accurately as you can.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    do you use a food scale to weight all solids?
    do you log everything?
    Are you on a structured lifting program or is this a homemade program?
    Yes, weigh everything on digital scale. And when I lost weight before I never used a scale, but this time I do. I log everything.
    I just do the strength machines at the gym, and then I lift 10 lbs dumbbells right now. I had a trainer show me how to do the machines, but don't go with a certain program, just on my own.

  • RRB2000 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    do you use a food scale to weight all solids?
    do you log everything?
    Are you on a structured lifting program or is this a homemade program?
    Yes, weigh everything on digital scale. And when I lost weight before I never used a scale, but this time I do. I log everything.
    I just do the strength machines at the gym, and then I lift 10 lbs dumbbells right now. I had a trainer show me how to do the machines, but don't go with a certain program, just on my own.

    more than likely you have water retention going on that will make you retain water and not show how much you are actually losing.

    I would suggest looking into a good structured program like strong lifts, starting strength, or new rules of lifting for woman....

  • Losing a pound a week is respectable. I'm losing at about the same rate with nothing but the cardio (walking) I've managed to build into my lifestyle. I'm the same height as you, but my current weight is 155. When I lift heavy AND walk about 10k steps per day, my TDEE-20% was something like 1800 calories per day. With just the walking I'm doing right now I'm eating 1600 (ish) calories per day and losing about a pound a week. Have you actually been tracking your exercise calories and eating them back? You can eat them back and still lose weight, and it will make your lifestyle more easy to maintain in the long run so that you don't end up gaining it all back and having to start over. I find that most days I am not hungry, so this all feels pretty painless and natural to me.
  • Losing a pound a week is respectable. I'm losing at about the same rate with nothing but the cardio (walking) I've managed to build into my lifestyle. I'm the same height as you, but my current weight is 155. When I lift heavy AND walk about 10k steps per day, my TDEE-20% was something like 1800 calories per day. With just the walking I'm doing right now I'm eating 1600 (ish) calories per day and losing about a pound a week. Have you actually been tracking your exercise calories and eating them back? You can eat them back and still lose weight, and it will make your lifestyle more easy to maintain in the long run so that you don't end up gaining it all back and having to start over. I find that most days I am not hungry, so this all feels pretty painless and natural to me.
    I used to eat them back, when I did this before. I WANTED to run so I'd get more calories and could eat more. Again, had success that way. This time for whatever reason, I'm so much more cautious and paranoid of going over, that I don't eat them back. If I eat any back its only a few. And to clarify, I only lost 1.2 lbs 1 week...all the other weeks its been showing no loss, or just a few ounces. SO FRUSTRATING! That's why I thought maybe upping my calories would help. I know I need to give it a few weeks to see....as I toss my scale straight out the window in the meantime.
  • Sounds like you're doing great. Just need to work on the patience - which is the hardest part!
  • RRB2000,
    I'm glad you're trying! That's half the battle.

    What did you mean by 1200 calories being too low? Did it make you feel bad, or toooooo uncomfortable?

    Accuracy is key. Monitor your intake accurately. And record everything. Condiments, coffee creamer, salad dressing...it's AMAZING how much this can add. Did you use 2 tablespoons of olive oil to cook that 100-calorie piece of fish? Well, now it's got 200+ calories of oil in it!

    I've been where you are...and very recently. It always happens when I get too relaxed with the diary.

    You have to create a calorie deficit. The larger the deficit, the faster you'll lose weight. If you aren't losing weight, then you aren't creating a deficit.

    Best of luck!
  • PS: ndj1979 isn't wrong about the water retention. I am usually 3 lbs heavier after a lift day, and that goes away after 24 hours. Since I lift on Tues/Thurs my lightest day of the week is usually Monday. ;-)
  • ndj1979 wrote: »
    RRB2000 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    do you use a food scale to weight all solids?
    do you log everything?
    Are you on a structured lifting program or is this a homemade program?
    Yes, weigh everything on digital scale. And when I lost weight before I never used a scale, but this time I do. I log everything.
    I just do the strength machines at the gym, and then I lift 10 lbs dumbbells right now. I had a trainer show me how to do the machines, but don't go with a certain program, just on my own.

    more than likely you have water retention going on that will make you retain water and not show how much you are actually losing.

    I would suggest looking into a good structured program like strong lifts, starting strength, or new rules of lifting for woman....

    I agree with the above suggestion of a good structured program. I have been doing NROLFW which is awesome. You may find that with increased nutritional support, your workouts will be even more satisfying :) I like this site for determining a ballpark calorie intake, and you can adjust every month or so (I suggest a month before making changes to get a good sense of what might be weight issues and what might be hormonally-affected water retention issues): http://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ Going for a pound a week also sounds reasonable. Sure it seems slow but it really isn't :) Good luck!
  • Also, re-reading your post, if you have lost 5 pounds since March you're not doing too shabby!
  • RRB2000,
    I'm glad you're trying! That's half the battle.

    What did you mean by 1200 calories being too low? Did it make you feel bad, or toooooo uncomfortable?

    Accuracy is key. Monitor your intake accurately. And record everything. Condiments, coffee creamer, salad dressing...it's AMAZING how much this can add. Did you use 2 tablespoons of olive oil to cook that 100-calorie piece of fish? Well, now it's got 200+ calories of oil in it!

    I've been where you are...and very recently. It always happens when I get too relaxed with the diary.

    You have to create a calorie deficit. The larger the deficit, the faster you'll lose weight. If you aren't losing weight, then you aren't creating a deficit.

    Best of luck!
    See, that's the kind of positive response I appreciate. Actually no, 1200 calories didn't make me feel bad...I just wasn't losing so thought I should try upping them. I sometimes find it hard to even eat that many, again, b/c I'm more paranoid this time of going over. Now I'm not saying I do everything right. I've been using Balsamic Vinegar as salad dressing this time around, being more mindful. But today I got a salad with Ranch. I don't claim to be perfect for sure, I just eat a lot better than I did before (then I only worried about staying in my calorie goal, now I concentrate on good calories in that goal). You are right, any time I've gotten lazy with my logging, it has caught up to me. I just feel like this time I'm doing most of it right. Patience is the key as the above poster said.
  • It sounds like you are doing everything perfectly. You just need to keep doing it. Fat loss happens in random "chunks" over time and is very delayed. The process must be consistent, and the results WILL come over time if you just keep patiently doing what you are doing. There is no need to increase calories to make it happen faster, that is just plain silly.

    Your body will tell you when you are eating too low by how you feel; If you have enough energy to workout and complete your daily responsibilities and are sleeping well then you have enough food intake even if it's a deficit.

    You can't predict a weekly weight loss, except as an average over time.. some of us can go for weeks without a change on the body weight scale, even when we are consistent with the process. But if we never give up then the results will come later.

  • If you feel fine on 1200 calories a day (and if that's accurate!!! ;) ), then staying there will create a deeper caloric deficit, which, of course, translates to quicker fat loss.
    You will, most likely, not be able to build muscle at that low level. The best you'll be able to do is maintain the muscle mass you do have now, and there are ways to do that.