Hi all ☺

My name is Luan I lost 6st using my fitness pal and exercise a couple of years ago. Lets just say I have got lazy and fat again ha... back on a mission to shrink these pounds away and get healthy once more. I'm 36 years old and from Manchester. I trying to exercise 3 x a week and eat a much better diet. I like wine & gin & tonic thats the problem. If any of you fancy joining me on this rocky road to becoming a fit bird again...please do :) I love life love laughing and love Gin!!


  • Hi there, I'm losing weight for the first time but I've been overweight for the longest time. I'm 32 this year and I thought I'd better get a handle on this whole thing before it's gets harder as I get older.
  • It's a looong winding road, for me I need to realise that it is the lifestyle changes.. doing little things everyday which will make the biggest impact. Not the faddy diets n quick fixes I usually champion. That and binge eating and drinking all weekend... starving every Monday!! Ect... and so it all loops around n around x
  • I'm starting today and would like a diet buddy to spur my on
  • I'm glad you're trying again. Making changes isn't always easy, but it's worth it in the end. Good luck!