menchi wrote: » I'm talking, I don't want my mouth full.
menchi wrote: » I have a strange dilemma. I teach college chemistry and I have this policy that if a student needs to borrow a calculator during an exam, I will loan them one for $5 and the money goes towards snacks for the class. They also have the option of bringing snacks next class. After a couple classes with snacks, some students have suggested that we just regularly bring snacks, have a potluck, etc. This is a 3 hour class, I understand having food helps learning. I have never had any of the snacks they bring in because I don't have the presence of mind to control my snacking when I'm focused on teaching. Plus I'm talking, I don't want my mouth full. Also, most of the snacks are not super healthy options like chips, oreos and soda. Most of the snacks don't really interest me much. No one has mentioned that I never eat the snacks, but I'm not sure what to say if someone asks. With friends it's fine to explain, but it feels a bit too personal with students.
Pu_239 wrote: » menchi wrote: » I have a strange dilemma. I teach college chemistry and I have this policy that if a student needs to borrow a calculator during an exam, I will loan them one for $5 and the money goes towards snacks for the class. They also have the option of bringing snacks next class. After a couple classes with snacks, some students have suggested that we just regularly bring snacks, have a potluck, etc. This is a 3 hour class, I understand having food helps learning. I have never had any of the snacks they bring in because I don't have the presence of mind to control my snacking when I'm focused on teaching. Plus I'm talking, I don't want my mouth full. Also, most of the snacks are not super healthy options like chips, oreos and soda. Most of the snacks don't really interest me much. No one has mentioned that I never eat the snacks, but I'm not sure what to say if someone asks. With friends it's fine to explain, but it feels a bit too personal with students. I have a comment about the calculator. I am majoring in biochem, i took gen chem a while back, obviously. I am slightly confused about the entire calculator issue. The school has a lot of TI-30XIIS, it depends on the professor, some professors let us use our own calculator, or they are give us the TI-30XIIS for test taking, so students can't cheat. I am just mind boggled why they would be charged 5 dollars, unless they are "renting it" for the semester. That's reasonable. To the snacking question. I had a teacher who would do a review sessions before the tests. She would open a room, and give a lecture of the topics, or we can just ask her questions of practice problems that the test subject was on. She would ask us to bring snacks, as a pot lock. We'd bring things. The teacher would eat snacks as well. This specific teacher lost a ton of weight. I was just curious of her method she said she cut out sugars. If she told us during the review sessions that she was watching her weight, I don't think anyone would think anything of it. I personally don't think it's a big deal, if someone asks, and I would tell them. There have been a few times, i almost told people, "I am diabetic" to avoid awkward situations.
rosebarnalice wrote: » I'm also a professor, but with a different snack issue associated with teaching long classes. We've had a major mouse/ bug infestation problems in classrooms where students regularly bring snacks into rooms--even though our custodians really try to stay on top of things. I don't prohibit students from bringing food to class (particularly a 3-hour night class), but I also encourage them to police up after themselves as scrupulously as possible if they DO.