Hey All You Pregnant Ladies/Post Prego Mommas

I posted this in fitness and exercise but I'll try here too :blush:

So. I haven't been on here in forever mostly because I got pregnant. I was doing AWESOME prior to pregnancy, toning, gym 5 days a week, eating clean--then again that's always been my main focus--being healthy.

I'm now 6 months pregnant and aside from seriously slacking for two months (school and moving and life ugh) I can finally get back to focusing on being healthy with baby. I went to my 6 month appointment today and was told I gained 30 POUNDS since I first started going there. I have a 5lb window to stay in the recommended weight gain so my OBG told me to start watching what I'm eating and get a little more active.

I walk to work daily (about a mile each way)
I stand at work rather than sit at my desk
I do basic squats and leg lifts

I have started logging my meals and am trying to limit any and all carbs, same with sweets (I can't help my little guy likes water ice of all things though)

Anyone out there with awesome suggestions? She said I still have enough time to reverse the weight gain and stay within the healthy limit.

Thanks in advance to everyone :smile:


  • Sounds to me like you have already implemented a wonderful plan! I struggled in my last trimester, but my tummy was SO big!!! you are going to do great!
  • Eat healthy, sweet potatoes, kale, salmon, high protein and drink tons of water. :) Those will all be great for the baby. :)
  • I've had four healthy pregnancies and with each one went over the recommended weight gain. As a fellow mom, my advice to you is to not try to "reverse the weight gain." That's horrible advice. At this stage in your pregnancy, you're very likely to continue to gain weight - it's inevitable. The last trimester is when you typically gain the most.

    I recommend that you not fixate on your weight (I know it's hard!) and instead focus on properly nourishing yourself and baby. Keep a reasonable exercise program up until delivery or when you feel the need to wind down. With my first, I worked out (long distance walking) up until my delivery date.

    You can focus on your weight and getting in shape after the baby is born. I've managed to lose all of my baby weight with each pregnancy.

    Congratulations and good luck with your delivery!!!
  • Oh, I forgot to add: From your post, I assumed you were at a healthy weight when you got pregnant and aren't at risk for gestational diabetes. If that is indeed the case, you will be just fine!!!
  • Focus on fat loss more than the scale. Baby is going to gain most in 3rd tri so you will see a jump regardless. Stay active, dont stop working out just eliminate the moves that are dangerous for pregnancy. Eat frequent smaller meals high in protein low in carbs. Don't decrease *good/healthy* fats too much, you need those actually. Lots of water! Remember babies health tho! Yull have time to lose weight after he/she is born.