? about iPhone app in when turned to landscape

In the iPhone app, when I go to my Calories and Macros I set my goal at carb 45% Pro 30% and Fat 25%. Then, when I check my dairy and turn my phone to landscape mode to check how I'm doing for the day, the goals for those macros are higher. (214g/57g/84g) Please explain. Basically, I know I should eat 48 fat g a day and I'm trying to track my fat g from the diary page. Any advice is appreciated.


  • Have you logged exercise? Logging exercise changes your calorie and macro goals on the day that you log the exercise. Your base goal doesn't change, just what you see for that day.
  • Interesting. I use a different system to track my exercise, and only use MFP for food tracking. Is there a way I can change my settings to keep that from happening?
  • Interesting. I use a different system to track my exercise, and only use MFP for food tracking. Is there a way I can change my settings to keep that from happening?

    I wouldn't use MFP to track activity. If you have another app linked to it, unlink them.

    Or you can pay for premium. Premium allows you to track activity without it messing with your macros.

    Or remember what your goals are and ignore the "new goals" MFP recommends after adding in exercise.
  • Ok thanks. I appreciate your help. I was hoping for a way to avoid 'food math' in my head. LOL! Keep up the good work.