I know why I want to but I don't know how...

My son will be three in July and since I have had him, I have never gotten the weight off. I currently would like to lose 40 pounds. It is all I think about and I am stressed and upset that I am living my life so out of shape. I hate how I look and getting dressed in the morning.

I know I don't want to live my life this way. I want to eat healthier and work out more and I want these things to be part of my daily routine.

My problem is I don't know how to stop cravings, stop feeling so sluggish. I know people/articles say to start slow but what is my first step. Every day I say I am going to better today. And some days I do even sometimes for a couple days and then, I drink to much and overeat that weekend or the next day... And I am right back to day one.

How do stop eating so much at parties/social events? What do you eat for lunch? What is a good alcoholic drink? And since I have a lot of weight to lose how do I stay motivated. What did you do at first that helped you? Please give me some advice...


  • Decrease your calorie intake, check online or with a dietitian what would be a good calorie level to lose weight healthy. The best advise I can give you is lower your carb intake, eat more protein rich and fibre rich foods. Its good to try stay off rice, bread and high carb foods. Try low carb foods, plenty of recipe ideas on line. Google it. Chicken and fish are great. When cooking use less oil. Try spray oil instead. Grill instead of fry. Try to avoid takeaways, cook more. Drink plenty water. Do lots of research on the diets that are out there. Its more about lifestyle changes though. Think about why you eat the way you eat and above all take it one step at a time. I don't know your height, weight or bmi so can't advise you further than that. Good luck. Add me if you want for support and encouragement.
  • A lot of recommendations get made to fix diet first, and slowly add exercise, although I found that starting with exercise made me want to eat better. Go for walks, take up yoga, weight train...if you're up for it go for jogs/runs/jaunts on the elliptical. Exercise will make you feel less sluggish, and more motivated to eat better. When I first started, I focused on exercise, and then going for nutritious options over crap, then improving my nutrition on the whole. Start slow, integrate things into your routine, and soon it's just a part of a healthy life, not something you have to remember to do. It's not easy, there are days where I don't want to exercise, but I feel better when I do.