Garcinia Cambogia

Tell me, does it work? Have you guys used or tried it and seen results? Are there any side effects that are absolutely awful? Is there any suggestions about them? Recommendations?

If you have pics, PLEASE post them!! I'd love to see results!


  • Any suggestions about them? Save your money and read the stickied posts here and on the getting started board.
  • Are you really 18?
  • It does not work. Save your money and eat less food. /thread
  • Tried it. Was told it was buy one get one free. Turned out it was buy five get another five free. It doesn't work at all. Spent lots of money cos they took the money from my card straight away on the internet. Refused to give me refund. Money wasted!!!
  • If it worked, would there be fat people?
  • I'm going to put myself out there and tell you yes, I did try it a long while ago. It did not work and for its trouble, made me really constipated and generally annoyed at my gullible nature. But I moved on and forward and boom, 10 lbs gone as of today on just my merit.

    Read the stickies, follow CICO, spend that cash on sexypants new clothes when it totally works because math. :)
  • Did it, with green coffee beans. Total waste of my money. The only thing that has worked is eating at a caloric deficit and increasing my activity levels (not necessary if you eat at a deficit, but it makes me feel good and keeps me energized to meet my goals).
  • People talk about Garcinia like that's the name of their personal trainer! Honestly if you do the research you will see there are a lot of people who say that it works and an equal amount of people who say that it doesn't.

    The thing with ANY supplement is that they only work if you're dieting and exercising properly.

    With Garcinia Cambogia, you need to take one with servings of AT LEAST 500 mg with an HCA content of AT LEAST 50%. This is based off of Dr Oz's youtube video which you may want to watch.

    Bottom line Garcinia is NOT a fat burner, carb blocker, miracle pill, etc. Garcinia Cambogia is an appetite suppressant, plain and simple.
  • People talk about Garcinia like that's the name of their personal trainer! Honestly if you do the research you will see there are a lot of people who say that it works and an equal amount of people who say that it doesn't.

    The thing with ANY supplement is that they only work if you're dieting and exercising properly.

    With Garcinia Cambogia, you need to take one with servings of AT LEAST 500 mg with an HCA content of AT LEAST 50%. This is based off of Dr Oz's youtube video which you may want to watch.

    Bottom line Garcinia is NOT a fat burner, carb blocker, miracle pill, etc. Garcinia Cambogia is an appetite suppressant, plain and simple.

    Citing a man that admitted to Congress that the products he hypes don't pass scientific muster ... do you see the utter fail in that?