1st Progress Picture

edited May 2015 in Success Stories
This is my 1st progress picture - Left was taken the end of March 2015, the right is from May 5, 2015 = 10 pounds down! I still have a LONG road ahead of me but it's good to see a little bit of a difference as it gives me the strength to keep on a going!


  • Nevermind - trying to figure out how to upload the picture.
  • That's great! Good for you!!! Keep it up! Looking forward to seeing your pictures for motivation.
  • Keep up the good work!

    I think there's two ways to post a picture. One is to post it as a comment by clicking that little piece of paper with the corner folded down. The other is to use a site like photobucket, and you copy the link, and replace the IMG with lowercase img.

    I got this from a thread about posting photos:

    "Copy IMG link

    Paste in reply

    Change IMG to img


    Also found this http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/104076