Biggest Weight Swing?

A lot of people get discouraged when the scale shoots up two pounds overnight.

A lot of other people get super optimistic when they drop 12 pounds in two weeks.

I think it would be illustrative for people to share their biggest scale swings from weigh-in to weigh-in.

Just before I started trying to bulk I lost two pounds overnight. Two days later, the scale was up six pounds.

Life goes on.


  • My biggest swing was a 2.9kg loss over the span of 10 days.
  • I've been up 7 lbs from am to pm.
  • A very long time ago ( I am talking 8-9 years ago ) I had issues with eating. I had problems with binge eating, but I would go without food for a long time afterwards or even purge it, which lead to a cycle of binging and starving. My weight fluctuated like crazy... sometimes as much as 10 lbs in a week, but then I would be down the 10 lbs soon after. No bueno! I haven't had any craziness like that in my life in 7 years.
  • I go up 8lbs almost every single day from morning to evening.
  • I probably over did it on a workout one evening. I weighed myself the next day and almost had a mental breakdown. I was up FIVE and a HALF POUNDS!

    Then I realized I had a brain and thought about what I did to my body the day before. I asked google, and multiple sources said that I would retain weight after a big workout as my muscles make every effort to repair themselves. Weighed myself again this morning and I am right back where I was at my last 'official' weigh in. No serious harm done. But MAN did I get worried for a bit.
  • 5lbs after a week on holiday, all inclusive!
  • (Think I posted this earlier on a post about don't freak if your feeling fat and bloated, thought I'd experiment.)

    11lbs up today from Monday! Had a huge epic meal last night and I get some pretty bad pms (pcos) bloat.

    Salt + post epic munchies night + pms = 11lbs.

    Eh, generally over the next 48 hours ill likely drop 12 and all will be normal. Don't freak about scales people, they are evil, weight fluctuates for so many reasons!!!!

  • This past Sunday I was curious how much water weight my muscles would retain from a 6 mile hilly rocky trail hike, so I weighed myself that morning and then weighed Monday morning.

    I gained 7 lbs lol. In 1 day. It's already almost all gone again.