Frustration - ultimate binger.

I can restrict my calories (~1200-1500 per day) easily for 4-6 days but after that I can't help having a binge day. And when I say binge day, I have the ultimate binge (~3000 calories). When I allow myself a little treat, I just can't seem to stop. I know everyone says to incorporate treats into your calorie goals, but there's no way I could only have 4 squares of chocolate - it just makes me crave it more and I end up eating the whole bar. Any advice on how to counteract this?


  • What is your TDEE and BMR?

    When I cut too hard it leads to binging. Sometimes binging is caused by lots of other psychological factors. If you actually have a binge eating disorder behavioral therapy may help.
  • I now swear by Speacial K protain bars whenever I get a craving for sweets (most nights I want chocolate) I eat one and it helps with the craving. I have a problem with binge eating to usually its binging on sweets but these help and it has fiber and protein with only 110 calories
  • My BMR is 1592 and TDEE is 2181. Thanks I will give the special K bars a go. I also think it's because I'm right in the middle of uni exams right now which isn't helping, but still it's not acceptable to overload binge like I am doing.
  • Yeah stress is a big reason for many people bingeing, myself included. Can you try and find some relaxation methods to help when you're stressed? Lavender oil in a warm bath, go for a run, whatever you find gives you a little bit of escapism. It isn't a magic cure all, but relaxing from the stress and diverting your attention from food may help
  • shoust59 wrote: »
    My BMR is 1592 and TDEE is 2181. Thanks I will give the special K bars a go. I also think it's because I'm right in the middle of uni exams right now which isn't helping, but still it's not acceptable to overload binge like I am doing.

    Maybe try increasing your intake at minimum to your BMR level and seeing if that changes the urge? They say to cut 10-15% of your tdee and not go below your bmr. For you a 1 lb a week loss would be about 1681 calories so 1200-1500 may be low. Eating 10-15% of your TDEE would put you between 1850-1960 in calories. That would be about a half lb weekly loss. Any of that is reasonable. It may seem better to cut harder but if it is what is leading to the urge to binge you are not gained ground over all.